Im pretty sure Shelly (and possably Tigger too) has Colitis or IBS. When I googled her symptoms those where the two things that she fit best. 

On monday I will be taking in fecal samples for the both of them. 

Is Colitis something they already check for when looking at a fecal sample? Or should I ask the vet to be on the look out for it? 

Or is it something that she are going to need to see the doc for? ?

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Sparty has had stress induced colitis and my previous corgi had it after her spay. As long as they are not dehydrated just skip meals for a day and feed rice and boiled chicken for a couple days. It allows their digestive system to settle down. Since they both have similar symptoms I would be concerned that they have gotten into something so I think it is a good idea to take fecal samples in.
If I was in your situation, I would talk to the vet and voice your concern, once you got the lab result, you can show it to another vet for a second opinion. Let us know how it goes :)
My vet thinks my old dog may have old dog colitis, just as old people have it. He's 14, and he's just an old guy. I assume your guys are younger. It would seem a coincidence for both to have it, if they're young. And no, colitis was not something that was found from a fecal sample. Just from history. I think in humans they have to do invasive visual exams. You may need to look a little further.

Poor Shelley and Tigger. Please let us know what you find out, and I hope they are feeling better.
I took a fecal sample in to the vet this morning. Im waiting to hear from the vet Ill post what he said after he calls : ) thanks everyone !
So I talked to the Vet last night, and they didnt find anything (thank goodness!) He said to add some pasta to there dinner to make it a little easier on there tummies, he also prescribed some metronidazole to help with the diarrhea. If after this the diarrhea comes back Ill be taking them in for a blood test.

Im kinda convinced that the diarrhea is caused by there food. i dont know why but I just have a feeling. So Im thinking about switching them to something better and possibly grain free.
We went through this with Finn. He had diarrhea for over a month and after tests, meds and probiotics we finally switched his food and that's what fixed it. The vet thinks he has a chicken intolerance and now eats a food with venison. I saw results almost immediately after switching food. If there is not another obvious cause, i would definitely recommend trying a different food. Good luck!
I'm glad the vet didn't find anything. When I read your original post, my first thought was that it would be weird for them both to develop a chronic disease at the same time and that it was either an acute illness or perhaps the food. I think switching to a higher quality food is a good start. If it helps, you know it was the food, if it doesn't, they are still getting a better food and the better the food the stronger the immune system. =)

Also, just an FYI, when my Aussie was on Metronidazole a month ago, it didn't help his diarrhea and it made him not eat or drink. It did not have this same effect on my Corgi when she took it almost a year ago, but just keep an eye and if they are acting poorly I would pull them off the meds.

Did the vet think they had Giardia? That is what metronidazole is most commonly prescribed for. I've never heard of it prescribed just for "diarrhea," it is a very strong antibiotic/antiprotoza commonly used to fight off Giardia. If it is something like Giardia then is makes good sense how they could both become ill at the same time. If Giardia is suspected, I recommend treating with Panacur. I've had much better luck with the Panacur and it has fewer side effects.
Our vet also prescribed Metronidazole since it will treat Giardia as well as other things that could have been causing Finn's tummy problems. He also had us try these powdered probiotics, and a bland diet of chicken and rice. He was never actually diagnosed with anything which is why when all was said and done he said maybe he's developed a chicken intolerance so we switched the food and voila, no more diarrhea.
The first time I ever used Metronidazole was when we where fostering, the rescue gave us a baggy of it for a dog we picked up who had diarrhea, and again when we first adopted Shelly, she had Giardia. (the vet didnt find any trace of it this time)
Rocky gets bloody poops and runs a fever from, we think, stress. When I went to GA in Jan for a month, the vet put him on metronidazole for the entire time he was down there as a precaution. It is good for other issues than just Giardia. It has helped him in the past with diarrhea and poor appetite. Rocky was only sick one day in GA and that was at the end of a week where he had lots of new places, people, motels, cars, and was boarded at Disney. I put him on prednisone and sulcralafate right away and his fever went down the next day and the diarrhea started to clear up right away. Within a few days, he was fine so I decreased the pred, gradually, stopped the sulcralafate, and kept him on a very low dose of pred, along with his metronidazole til we got home which was within a week. He has been fine since.


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