I just adopted a 5 month old Welsh Corgi/Cairn Terrier mix. She is the cutest thing! Joy is Hell on Wheels! We found out what a jumper she is. She jumped over 2 large trash cans which totally amazed us. She has so much energy! She never quits.  I thought puppies took naps during the day. Not this one. I welcome ALL suggestions & help.  Thank u, Katrina & Joy aka Houdini.

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Hi Katrina, could you describe her daily exercise routine and schedule? What are your expectations? Those info may give us some ideas :)
Oh, she's cute!

When our Jack was a puppy, he would NOT nap unless he was put away in his pen or crate. He would go and go and go, and get crankier and crankier til I would say "YOU need a nap" and put him away. He'd protest for a minute and then be sound asleep. Other puppies will crash on their own.

That said, by 5 months they don't nap as much as when they are tiny. :-)
I find that adora has all the physical energy in the world as well. No matter how long we walk her or run her she will keeping going. The only thing that slows her down is mental stimulation, making her use her brain alot, hide and go seek (finding us or a treat), lots of training even though she know all the commands, we have a verbal and hand command for each command and we will alternate radomly during sessions. Things like kongs that make them think on how to get treats out work well in moderation as well. There are some other forums on the site that discuss games and other ways to mentaly stimulate your puppy.
i would also like to know her exercise routine too:) but i would love to give some advice as we all know, puppies r bundles of energy, especially since she is a terrier mix lol like Kimberli said kong toys r amazing! they keep their minds busy so they can focus there energy on something, put either cheese or peanut butter in it and freeze it so it take them longer to get the food out of it. walks help wonders too but sometimes it isnt enough even if walked three times a day (as my dachshund was) when taking them for a walk try different areas so they get some new smells and sights. another thing we have tried and it works amazing is if u have a back yard with trees (or somewhere to hide behind) have someone hold her and put her back to u, wait until u r hidden and then call her and and see if she can find u quickly, and when she does, run and say good girl! and then throw her favorite toy and play fetch, or have her chase u. this is a fun activity for her and will stimulate her mind. also working on commands is very good too, if she is very good at jumping u could teach her jump and catch a Frisbee :oP and when u can take her to dog parks so she can play with other dogs or swimming in ponds or lakes is wonderful too:)


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