Ok. So. Some dog owners upset me. Like my mom's room mate. He had to put his dog down a few months ago because the dog was old and couldn't move anymore or anything. So... then he gets another dog. A Lab puppy. About 10 months(?) old. The dog was potty trained and was a great dog... Except two things. He barked at anything he heard and he lunged at the front gate when people came. Water bottles and telling him no did not work. We tried a bark collar that my mom bought a long time ago, but it wasn't strong enough to shock him (it was made for smaller dogs). He wouldn't invest the time or money into training him to not do these things. Like, buy a better bark collar with a remote to deter him from lunging and barking. He did not go out in the front near the gate to get him to stop barking or anything. Just yelled at him from the front door. So... He decides to give the dog away and get a different dog. This dog is (they said) like 1 year and a few months. I think it is more like 8 months old. HELLOOOOOOOO. If you aren't willing to train a dog and work with it to correct things or teach it good manners, then, In MY opinion, YOU SHOULD NOT OWN A DOG. I hate that people think dogs are property and not a family member who needs to be taught and cared for and corrected and they cost money. You can't get a perfect dog that will do everything you want it to do and not ever do anything you don't want it to do. Never happen. You will always have to work with the dog. I don't understand why people think you can just trade dogs because one is(n't) doing something you want (don't want) it to do. It makes me so mad.

Or people who just let their dogs bark and bark and bark. They don't even see if the dog is barking at something or not. It just constantly barks. Hello... You need to correct the dog. If you have to spend money on a bark collar... so be it. It is your responsibility as a dog owner to make sure it doesn't bark all the time.

Or people who leave their dog outside and never do anything with it except maybe give it food and water.

A dog is like a kid. You have to take care of it and spend time with it, teach it and provide for it. Or, it will not be a well behaved dog. If you don't do these things- of course you will have problems with your dog. You may get a dog that is trained and well behaved, but, if you don't continue these things, the dog will not continue to be well behaved.

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Oh gosh I totally feel you here. The neighbors dog is gorgeous in our apartment but she sits outside on a chain all day and barks at everything and everyone!! It's so frustrating because our corgi became alit more vocal when they moved in. He growls at people at the door now and whines when their dog barks because he wants to play with her but she is ten years old and doesn't like moose. I think the growling is just a defense mechanism now because we had a fire above us and we have him in a crate when we aren't home and the fire happened 15 mins before I was supposed to get home from college and the landlord came in and took his whole crate outside with him in it and he's afraid of our landlord now. After he sees the person he calms down though. It's just frustrating because I feel like it's partially the neighbors fault because our corgi was never this vocal before she moved in
I hope this thread helps people get some frustration out. Thank you all for replying. I know I am not the only one with problems with other animal owners, but sometimes I feel that way because it seems like no one cares except me that these things happen. I just had to talk about my frustrations. It helped a little. I wish there was some way to ensure that people take care of an animal correctly if they got one. There should be some sort of rules/laws that most people can get enforced int their neighborhood regarding barking/howling etc. I know that ours isn't enforced very much. Kota learned some bad habits from the 2nd dog in my story. It's so horrible. He growls when some people come in. He runs out and barks at everything he thinks he hears. I am trying really hard to correct and teach him AGAIN that these are not acceptable things. It's very frustrating. He was such a good boy. *SIGH*
i know how you feel, my neighbors have three shizh zhus and one yorkie, and anytime one of the dogs (or humans) goes outside even if its only for a second, these yappers run out the doggie door and yapp soo loud!!!! my little kirby has taken to greeting them (with a smug look on his face) at the fence that seperates them, promptly lifting his leg and peeing on them..... i dont know if i feel more sorry for the dogs or the owner (the dogs belong to the women of the household and the nice man that lives there dosnt like the rat dogs at all!!!)
I think Roxi would learn how to shoot us if we didn't teach her new tricks. She lives to work.
ya you just cant win. If the owner is not training the dog, then the dog will do what ever they want, because they dont know better. You can hardly blame the dog for that.

What I hate just as much as the nervous nellies who will not let their dogs even sniff another animal without freaking out. I run into them a lot at the dog park. Two dogs will be running together and playing and someone will flip out saying it is a dog fight. BIG difference between playing and fighting. These people are tight on the lead, shove themselves in between the dogs, and last week someone got bit because she shoved her hand into a blame wrestling game and the dog got her. If you are that nervous keep your dog on the other side where small or more nervous dogs should be. ANNOYING! It is either one extreme or the other!
No I hear you. There's a guy who brings his German Shepard to the Dog Park here every now and then to try and play ball with it. It of course wants to go and play with the other dogs.

so what does he do? Give us all dirty looks whenever our dogs go and try to play with his dog.

You're in a DOG PARK. You can't come in and claim a piece of public land in there for just you and your dog. It's not going to happen buddy lol.

and we do have the "helicopter moms" in there too. Where their little fi-fi can't play with other dogs... he'll get hurt oh no!
So true! It's really annoying when people bring their dogs to the dog park and then refuse to let them play! Why bother bringing them? There are plenty of parks/feilds around our city that someone could take their dog to to wander around and/or play fetch. This is a park filled with OTHER DOGS!?!?! They are going to want to play!!!!
The neighbors near my parents house leave their two small dogs in the yard ALL the time and let them bark all day. And this is in San Antonio, where temperatures get over 100 degrees easily during the summer. I feel so bad for the poor dogs, they have nothing to do, no human interaction, and over overheated. Some people should not own dogs.
This is what I'm saying totally. I hate it. I want to smack the people in their face and say "HELLOOOOO... Anyone there????"
This is a subject that touches a nerve in all of us: rude neighbors that leave their dogs in the yard 24 hrs. a day ––allowing them to bark for hours. Often, the dogs are just barking from boredom & need of attention. It's unfortunate that the police or animal control, in some communities, don't take a more active stance. Our police have finally started to be more assertive and it has helped. It's a shame when one family can make you want to sell a home that you love.

FYI: do think twice before installing skylights in bedrooms. It makes the outside noises much more annoying. It also lets the sun in early when you want to sleep. Try sleeping through a heavy rain. Just a head's up. ; )


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