This past Tuesday at midnight Casey started throwing up bile. He was up all night. Thinking he may have gotten something from the yard, I took a vacation day to stay with him.


We have a dog walker come in during the week that works for our vet.  Concerned, I called her and it was her day off so I asked her to drop by and take a look at him. She did a rectal temp check and when she stuck the thermometer in Casey yelped so loud and was trying to get away while she held it there. He did not have a temp and her advice was to ride it out and if he is still feeling this way the next morning I should take him to the vet. That was my biggest mistake and I am so kicking myself now.  Never again will I wait when he is sick.  An ounce of prevention is worth all the Casey's in the world.


I took Casey to the vet yesterday morning and we picked him up this evening. When we took him in he was very dehydrated.  After their treatment he still is not drinking or eating. He has diarrhea and his stool is red.  We have to clean him up every time we take him out. Sometimes he does even not make it out.


The vet said there was blood in his stool. They said he threw up twice today but he has not since we brought him home. They took x-rays and found no blockage and are having us give him medication. We are taking him back tomorrow morning for a review.


Tonight it hit me, could she have damaged his rectum when she inserted the thermometer? I am beside myself because I just realized this about 30 minutes ago. I will talk to the vet tomorrow when we go there. I am not looking to place blame, I just want his pain go away. They do not seem to know what the problem is $600.00+ later.


He is so out of it and my heart aches for him. Any direction or advise would be greatly appreciated.

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Glad to hear he is doing better! Hope he is back to normal soon!
Spunky had a miserable virus last year... scared me to death, poor furbaby was so sick vomiting, then of course the runs etc... took food and water away for 12-16 hours then introduced ice chips, till vomiting stopped. poops continue while bug rages and tears up intestines... but vet said keep hydrated and we had same/similar meds, antibiotic to ward off secondary infect and the one to help digestive track.. Introduced food back only very very slowly. vet said he wont starve, but give food back to soon and intestines stay inflamed... so after days of ice chips went to mix of 3 parts boiled white rice and 1 part organic plain yogurt, or boiled chicken, or boiled hamburg. 1 tablespoon of mix every 2 hours if kept down, 4 times a day.
as days went by and he kept that down we could increase to 1/4 cup every 3 hours 4 times a day and so on.
Then at the end of couple weeks we started putting a few of the reg kibbles with the mix.. I think it took over a month to get him back to just dogfood. But hehas not been sick again. We think he picked up a virus at the dogpark:(( People dont seem to think they should keep their dogs home if they have runny poops:(
How is Casey doing? Hope he is well!


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