We've always heard of this "rule" concerning humans and allergies: If you take a tablespoon a day of honey that is made in your state, then your seasonal allergies will be cured.  I have never tried this myself or know anyone that has, but we were thinking about this because Midas' allergies have been blowing up these past few weeks.

Would this be safe to try (in smaller doses) for a Corgi?  Has anyone else ever heard of this treatment or tried it out?  We figure this would be a natural remedy (although sometimes natural remedies aren't always the best). 

Looking forward to opinions on the matter!

Zach, Lisa, and Midas

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It is 50 percent Apple Cider Vinegar and 50 percent Water...I originally just said vinegar, my mistake
Yeah, I figured puppies shouldn't have honey, but up until what age? Does the vinegar/water thing actually stop the itching or just taste terrible enough to leave it alone? Midas isn't too much of a licker, more a biter and scratcher. I might have to try the honey thing since we are getting ready to move I will have to wait to get settled and order it. What amount would you guys recommend for a 2yr old 30lb male? And, of course, I will ask the vet. I just wanted to see if anybody else heard or tried this.
Studies have found that honey is dangerous for infants under the age of 12-18 months. Intuitively, this would probably translate into a 6-8 month old dog. I image since your pup is 2 years old, it probably wouldn't be a problem, but I'm not a vet by any stretch. If I was going to give him some, I would start with a small amount and monitor him to see what the reaction is. This same logic applies to any medication given to anyone for the first time (like why you have to wait at the doctors for 15-30 minutes after getting a vaccination).

Perhaps try putting a small amount on a piece of hot dog/something else, let him eat it and see if anything happens. Then move on from there depending on what your comfortable with.
I believe the vinegar and water helped heal the raw paws. I think it helps with the itching.
http://www.bees-online.com/HealthBenefitsOfHoney.htm interesting link about honet and dog allergies:)
makes sense to me
I love vinegar for dogs and it does not burn. I clean my dogs ears with the same solution Natalie uses but put it on a paper towel and wipe the insides! It does not burn I tried it on myself! Vinegar is a wonderful compound and does not harm thing as much as chemicals. I do agree that sometimes you may have to use benadryl but if you can get by with something less harmful it is worth trying!
Oh I love vinegar too for coat conditioning, and as Jane says ear cleaning, but always rinsed off, and I just think for allergic scratching of skin, vinegar would not sooth the scratched skin as oatmeal bath might..it does work as a deterrent for obsessive licking and even deters chewing on wood etc
AHA! Found it!

Sorry to bring this thread back to life.. I tried the ACV/water mixture and sprayed it on Roxi and Charlie's feet.

well charlie apparently thinks it tastes yummy and licked his paws anyways lol. And Roxi is still itching like crazy :/

Maybe I'm doing it wrong? I tried to get under the coat on her hot spots but its hard when she's wiggling and freaking out at the bottle lol.


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