What is the difference between a docked and un-docked tail?

My corgi's tail is docked so I was just curious what is the difference between the two. We are talking about getting another corgi in the next couple of months. Moose tries chasing his docked tail all the time. Is there any pictures to show the difference between a docked tail or un-docked tail?

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Sidney is undocked, and I just love his tail. He wags it like crazy and it makes him look like a fox.

I love those tails!
My only question about not having their tails docked are the ones that do actually work. Was there an original purpose for it to help them herd cattle? I'm unsure if the tail gets in the way since other herding breeds keeps their tails. I can understand not wanting their tails to be stepped on while they roll away from a large cow lol

Though for regular fun loving pets I can understand not having a purpose to have them docked. I also understand that it can be quite cruel though some have claimed (I dunno cuz Im not a dog) that it doesn't hurt because they are so young.

Maybe there could be a license if you use them as working dogs? Dunno.. sorta over thinking it now haha.
Actually we were just talking about that. The original idea for the dog not having a tail was for herding purposes. This is so the farm animals doesn't step on his tail and he doesn't get hurt. However our little guy isn't going after sheep or cow anytime soon so there really isn't a need. The docking I think is more for aesthetics now, however we love ones that are born without the tail just as much. I just think altering a dog is something we aren't interesting I doing.
Yea I think that if your purpose is to have a working dog.. maybe then you should call the breeder and get it docked but besides that they should be normally un docked. (reverse of what it seems to be now lol)

Though I find both types extremely cute!
I totally agree with you if the tails get in the way BUT if you check back into the Pems history you will find out that years ago the reason their tails were docked was because if they were a working dog they would do this and not be taxed for having a dog. I was with the vet when I had my 1st and only litter with docked tails, at 2 days the vet could not believe how thick they were...they are also part of their spine and I think there are some videos on My Corgi of tails being docked. I just won't do this! I do have their back dew claws clipped for their safety and this year one of the other vets couldn't believe how big they ever were.
I've heard about the herding reason quite a bit, yet Cardigans are not docked and they are herders too. I think someone once posted that cardis hold their tails higher that Pems do. Sidney holds his tail way over his back when he's energized and happy, but at the end of a long hike, that tail is dragging a bit.
Honestly I didn't pay attention if his tail dragged or not after vigorous exercise, but I will pay attention next time. I will see if he holds it up, He is nudging me at the moment so I have to take him out for a walk.
My little Pembroke does have a very long tail, with a cute little fawn marking at the underside of it where it meets his back. His tail is very very expressive. When he's happy it flops all over the place. I think docking a dog is SO SO CRUEL! Unless they are working dogs, they should never ever be docked intentionally. That's as bad as clipping ears to me. I hate how people think that it's "breed standard"- look, fact is, your dog isn't a working dog!! Just enjoy him and his cute expressive tail as a wonderful part of your family.
I agree. However I believe we may not be in the mass majority when it comes to this thought.
Your statement is probably true when it comes to breeders, but in talking to pet owners, almost all say they'd prefer leaving the tails on. Most don't know they are born with tails until they meet Sid and we explain why he has a tail.
My little buddy is Tri-colored with pretty unusual markings for a Pem. He is supposed to be Redheaded when he is an adult, and man that time couldn't come soon enough. So many people accuse him of being a Cardigan because of his colors/tail and it drives me nuts!

Average people at the petstore who ask about him will not believe he is a Pem thanks to his tail. It's so surprising how many people don't know they're usually born with tails.


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