So he's doing a little better right now so I'm hoping (crossed fingers) that he just pulled something...

Had a little heart attack outside.. after our walk since its nice out we try to play fetch for a little bit till the pups gets too hot or tired and want to go in..

Well we were doing the usual.. the pups were running back and forth and then suddenly I noticed Charlie wasn't running anymore..

in fact he was sitting.. would get up for a second then sit right back down.

I called him and he tried to walk and he got up, took a half step and sat down with a little oonf-cry.

So I carried him right in to his complaints.

(just to add a note - I know how most corgis do the dead dog flop after playing for too long. I knew something was wrong because he wasn't moving at all and he usually goes to the front door when he's done)

An hour later he's sort of walking around (very slowly with coaxing) but is happily just sitting. We'll see how he's doing later on and especially how he's doing tomorrow morning...

but has this happened to anyone else? Is this a start to something bigger? Should I be this worried? LOL

He shows no pain from squeezing and moving his legs when he's rolled over and nothing feels broken or out of place (the first thing I checked) but its a little weird since its the first time this has happened.

They do get joint medication every night and we don't let them jump in and out of the car/high areas anymore. (we were bad parents for a while).

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He's walking now though really slow.. so I think he probably just pulled something.
It could be a pull or he could have torn his CL. If he isn't better by tomorrow I would take him in. Sparty partially tore his and other than some limping and a little shaking immediately after the fact he just went on as usual. By the time I took him in he already had arthritis. I am not sure if that could have been avoided though because we did not think he was a good candidate for surgery. They do not always let you know where it hurts.
unf that's the info I was looking for. Sparty kept walking after tearing the CL like it was a pull?
Yes, I did not take him into the vet at first because it appeared to come and go. After a couple months of him occasionally limping I decided to check it out. He was due to have his teeth cleaned anyway so the vet checked while he was under and said it appeared to be a tear. Sparty is pretty anxious so he screams if it looks like you are going to handle him so the vet had trouble determining while he was awake. His legs were also so muscular that it was hard to manipulate them. My other corgi, Buffy (RIP),was so stoic that you really could not tell if she was in pain except that she would not get up.
hmm so it's probably better to just take him in as a 'just in case'.
Sorry to hear Charlie hurt himself. Definately lots of rest and hopefully he will be feeling much better soon.
Thanks :) Sometimes its hard to keep them resting lol
Poor Charlie!! We hope he is feeling better soon. Lots of rest and of course, maybe some popsicles.


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