argGH! my little corgi ate an almost full basil, pine nut and parmesan pesto dip!!
 What should I do?  I mean, last time she ate a tim tam, she just vomited it up during the night.
i have a feeling she'll do the same... arghh

any suggestions?

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Just what I was going to suggest! They are sold as "Arnott's" here. They have chocolate and caramel. We like to bite off the ends and suck cold milk through the cookie; if you do that with the caramel version, the caramel gets nice and chewy. It is sooo good!
Al sez that cat turds filched from the snackbox are best with pesto, as long as there are no onions. Just don't let the humans see you when you dip them.
all i got was cat turd... lol
Now John, our corgwyns dont like telling tales out of school HAHAHAHAH YUKK, but is why I have a gate across 1st floor BR door so mine cant get at the kitty loo !! hahahahahahahah
I bet the corgwyn are double dippers too.
There shouldn't be anything to worry about in pesto, other than she might have garlic breath :)
Garlic is fine and as someone else mentioned, is a flea repellent. The cheese is fine, and being a hard cheese, isn't as fattening as, say, mozzarella would be. The olive oil is good for her coat and might loosen her bowels up a little since she's not used to it, but I put it on Aber's food in Spring and Fall to keep him from getting hot spots from allergies. And pinenuts and basil are safe.


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