Is it just mine, or do all Corgis love ice cubes? Having never been a pet parent to a Corgi, I seriously don't know whether this is one of their little quirks, or if Buddy is just strange! lol I did ask the vet, and she said it was okay for him to have as many as he wants....especially being on the diet he has been on and losing 21.5 lbs.! I toss them, he chases them....then crunches em' up!

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Be aware that prolonged ice can actually shatter teeth!! That's what my vet has said. All the best, Nan
Thanks, Nan! I do watch him when he has one....but will keep in mind what you said!
I could see where prolonged exposure could cause teeth issues....and ice cream head ache!!
I always ask him when he swallows a small piece if he got "an ice cream headache!"
Mine love ice cubes if it's hot and they are just in from a walk. Most of the dogs we've had over years have liked ice cubes.

Some sources say they can cause broken teeth, others say they are safe. I dunno, if a dog breaks a tooth it's really hard to pinpoint what he broke it on, if he has any hard chew toys or ever picks up the odd bit of something on a walk it can be tough to say whether or not it was the ice that caused the fracture. I give them to mine. I figure everything they chew is somewhat risky.
Corie loves ice cubes.. she plays with them for awhile, then will eat them. I never knew they could break teeth on them! humm....
Frosty loves ice cubes too. Whenever we go to get them out of the fridge door, he comes running from wherever he is in the house in hopes that we will drop one. I like to put him in his water outside and watch him fish around for them lol!
my dog loves them.. its a good zero calorie treat.. especially during the hot summer days!!
Buddy actually taught me that he liked them! I adopted him from the SPCA already grown, so didn't know any of his likes or habits. Accidentally dropped one out of the ice maker one day, and Buddy, in no uncertain terms....let me know he would take care of it!! Hes such a kook! I can't imagine my life without him! :)
Orion loooves ice cubes! And I don't have to worry about teeth because he keeps it in his paws and licks it like a popsicle
All of ours like them, too. Including Fred. Linny also likes them. He carries them off to eat them so the Corgis won't steal them.
Finn LOVES ice cubes! It's his new favorite thing!
I give my corgi crushed ice with a little water. Kind of a slushy! It gives him something to play with but won't harm his teeth. How much does Buddy weigh now? Losing over 21 lbs. is another whole dog! Great job!
Thanks! He has worked very hard! When I got him from the SPCA he weighed 53 lbs., he is now down around a healty 32-34 lbs. It is amazing the energy he has now - - runs all over. And today, we had him in the pool! He is not so keen on that, but we will work on it! :)


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