He just started hating his crate Sunday night. We weren't using it for punishment and he used to go in on his own all the time. He whines yips and bark and we are losing sleep!! Help!!!

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My first thought is that maybe he needs something, like going to the bathroom or a drink of water or something?

If all those bases are covered, have you tried covering it with a blanket/towel? Casey is 11 months old, and sometimes she'll randomly start whining in her crate and I usually just throw a towel over and that shuts her up almost immediately. If he keeps going after the towel/sheet is on, you can throw something at the crate door to startle him, which may also work. Casey was in her crate a while back and started howling for no apparent reason, so I covered her crate and when she started up again, I threw a (closed) container of Vaseline at the crate (it was the closest thing to me at the time). It just hit the crate door and bounced off, but it startled her and she didn't make a peep the rest of the night.
We had food and water in the cage and also took him out first. He acts like he doesn't even want to go in it. We have to pick him up and put him in, but he used to go in on his own. I'll definately try the towel thing tomorrow. I don't want to risk it tonight because my fiancé is asleep and he has to get up at 6 for work
top part of my crates are also covered...when you put him in the crate give him a kong with peanut butter in it so he'll think bed time is a fun and yummy time =) this may also just be a phase that'll you'll have to wait out ear plugs might help?
2 thoughts...did something maybe happen to make him feel this way? Sometimes it can be a small thing,did he get scared?
Try the peanut butter kong or something he really likes.
we were giving him rawhide but as soon as the rawhide is gone the barking and whining starts back up.

We did have a fire in our apartment (But that was on April 8th) Technically, It was the apartment above us, and it didn't hit our apartment at all, but my landlord came in, and picked up the whole crate and took it outside just in case it hit our apartment before the fire department got there.

But, he still slept in it after the fire, willingly. We had alot of bad storms roll through recently and it just now started after the storms started happening.. We don't have A/C in our room but we have it in our livingroom, could it be too hot in the bedroom for him? because when we let him out he goes and sleeps by the door or if we have the door open he goes and sleeps in the hallway.
You could try freezing a bottle of water, wrapping it in a towel and putting it in the crate with him. If he stops whining, maybe he was just too warm.
I suppose it could be the heat. Maybe you could put him in the hall outside your room if it's cooler????
How does he react to the storm? Thunder? That might have been it.

The key is make the crate a happy place, always leave the door open when not in use, train him to eat in it, let him associate food and awesome chew toy with the crate.
He never reacted badly to the storm IMO. He usually just slept during them but his cage used to be near the window which is why we moved it because we had an advisory for strong winds. Do dogs just instinctively know when to start sleeping outside? I was windering if we would ever be able to leave him out of the crate at nighttime and we've been leaving him out since Sunday evening but he hasn't had any accidents inside or chewed anything. We leave the crate open for him but he doesn't go in. He goes in for food and water but he won't lay in it. He also never woke us up unless he had to go outside which is usually in the morning around 7 or 8 am
By outside I mean outside of the crate. Before we tried leaving him out he would have accidents and not wake us up and chewed a sandal..
Call me crazy, but maybe he's just not a fan of the crate. Casey's been crated since forever, but she's never really chosen to sleep in the crate if she had other options available (she prefers to stretch all the way out superman style when sleeping, which is just not an option in the crate she has right now). If I leave the crate in her pen area, she'll always choose to sleep outside the crate on the floor/in her dog bed. The only thing she's ever really felt the crate was good for was chewing on.
Callie doesn't spend the night in her crate most of the time but I know when it is hot out she will whine. So I do what Carla said, frozen water bottle wrapped in a towel. She will lay next to it to cool off.

Like most people are saying the crate should be a happy place. Callie's crate is the one place in my small apartment that is her own, and she likes that. Even though she sleeps in my bed at night, she will go in it during the day. When I'm gone I just leave her in my bedroom with the crate door open.


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