What are your corgi names? and their nick names?

My corgis are Mocha and Vienna, we named them after coffee drinks, vienna is actually a blend of turkish coffee :)

Nick names:
harry butt, bunny butt, miss fatty, mocha latte, frappochino, vienna sausage, fat rabbit, double mint twins (when they're together)

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Her name, as you might know, is Twinkie. We had picked the name before we met her. It fit her perfectly! Around the house she is sometimes known as Twink-sta (rhymes with Gangsta), Stinkie, Tinker and Fluffy Butt. We could go on and on.
I have Beau. I've had him for a really short time but he's acquired Beau Bear, Baby Fox, and Little Monster because his crate is in the closet and he terrorizes all paper.
Fuzzy butt
My Corgi's name is Barney. Some of his names are Bunny Butt, Slobbers, Barnacle Bill the Sailor, Lil' L Bark Bark, Barney Lee, Fluffy Butt, Puppy Pants. I'm sure there are others that I am forgetting.
My new puppy's name is Rafa––named for our favorite tennis player, Rafa Nadal. But after Toronto this week, maybe we should have named him Murray, haha.

My Corgis are Bonnie and Clyde. Named after the bandits of old.

Nick Names
Clyders, Clyder Boy, Clydo, Mr.Snuggles, Roo-Boy, Roo-Dog, Snuggie Clyders Roo

Bonners, (baby) Bon-A-Roo, (baby) Bon-A-Boo, Baby Bonnie Boo, Baby Bunnie Boo, (Lil') Bon-Bon, Fancy Pants, Miss Bonnie Boo.

Lil' Bandits


Gizzy, Momo (my son can't say his name yet) , Mr. Nub Nub. Mr. Fluffers, Fluff a ruff a gus, Corgi man, Mo man, Mo,Mr. Ears,
Wally's nicknames are bear, wallybear, walls, wallybally, buddy, boogerface, weasel, sillyboy....I think thats about it!
My three are Annie, Rhys, and Cookie. Annie was adopted as a one year-old rescue dog, and since she was used to her name, I kept it. Rhys (pronounced Reese) was a name I chose because it was Welsh and only one syllable (those longer Welsh names were too hard to use on a day to day basis). And finally, my youngest and a foster, was named by my vet. When I brought her in for her first exam I told him of her difficult life on the streets, living in warehouses. He took a look at this sweet, happy dog and said that she would be just fine... because she was a tough little cookie.
Aber (his full registered name is Owain Abergwyngregyn)--pronounced Ahhh-brrrr: Abbs, Mr Dog, Mr McGoo, Chunkybutt the wonder-corgi, Lazy, Stumpy, Stumps McGee, Abelicious,

Ragnar (still haven't registered him yet!)--Raggs, Raggers, Puppy, Poopy, Puppy-pants, Poopulus Pupulus, Puplet, Pupster, Silly Blue Creature.
Her full name is Zoe, Queen of Treats. We call her Zoe mostly but there's also Fuzz Face, Furball, Little Stinker, Baaaaby, etc.
Our corgis were always CorgiMonsters!, named after Cookie Monster on Sesame St.! Real names were/are Duchess, Betsy and now, Betsy again, because she reminded us of our dear, whacky little Betsy who is now at the bridge.


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