I know all Corgis have a myriad of verbal, aduitory  and visual cues that trigger all kinds of amusing reactions. One of  best triggers  Gunny has is when I sit at the kitchen table paying bills . He sits by my feet watching intently.He listens carefully for when I tear a check from the check book. He will then run to the back door in anticipation of me  exiting to go to my car for a trip to the bank or to the postoffice. He seems to know that he will be taking a trip in the car to a place where he often gets a snack bone( to two or three) ! They even give me bones to bring home to him when I go to the bank without him.

When he hears aluminum foil or plastic wrap being torn he runs to his food dish. Why you ask?Because I have, in the past, picked up his food dish if he has left the food uneaten for very long ( wet food gets yucky if left out) and I covered it with one of those wraps before putting it in the frig. If I tear the wrap material and his food dish happens to be empty he will whine and run around the kitchen. Bonkers!

What are some of your Corgi's amusing triggers?

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Opening the window in the bathroom or kitchen. I don't know why, but Seanna has to book in there from wherever she is, skid in to the area, barking madly all the way. I'm not sure what she thinks she's saving me from.
I love the aluminum foil on! heheh

Both of them get excited when I turn off the tv or the computer because that usually means 1. play time 2. outside time.

Both get excited when my alarm goes off - I use it to time out play times with both since its a nice bonding time every now and then to just play with one and then the other. we still play with both at the same time though most of the time.

When I go to work I usually pop a mint before leaving the house (mm coffee breath!) and when they hear the shaking of it they come running because they get a treat before I walk out :)

That's all I can think of. They used to get super excited when I picked up my backpack because they used to go to work with me everyday so that meant it was time to go see the office hehe.
Casey's biggest (as I'm sure it is with many) is the sound of her kibble container being pulled out of the cupboard, and then the scoop and crashing down of kibble pieces into a metal bowl. She's a complete Pavlovian dog; she runs over to the sound of it, and starts drooling incessantly when she hears the kibble hit the bowl. It's actually kind of gross - twice a day there is a trail of drool drips from the kitchen where I dish out the food, to the living room where her dish is put down.

She's also started drooling at the sound of the freezer door opening, because that's where I keep her filled Kong. She also knows the sound of her chicken jerky package being opened, and the sound of a milkbone being removed from the old coffee mug on the counter (I just fill up the coffee mug with milkbones for easy access and they make a little clinking noise when they're removed).

An accidental trigger: Apparently, when I wait for her to sit down at the backdoor when she comes inside, I put my hands on my hips and tilt my head to one side. That's become a non-verbal cue for her to sit down. I discovered this while standing outside waiting for her to take a pee - I put my hands on my hips while waiting, and instead of peeing, she walked up and sat down in front of me, lol. Now if I'm waiting for her to do something, I have to remind myself not to put my hands on my hips or she'll sit instead of doing whatever it is she's suppose to be doing.
I love the accidental trigger.
It works when I fold my arms in front of me as well, lol. It's actually really funny, because I don't notice it at all until she sits down; then I'm like "what the heck are you doing? You should be doing x,y,z" and realize that I'm standing there with my arms folded or my hands on my hips and she thinks she suppose to be sitting.

When I wait for her to pee outside, I'm trying to remember to stand with my hands at my sides, or to busy myself, so I don't cue her to sit, lol.
For my male JR.....My husband swinging his golf club causes alot of barking and general mahem, taking the garbage out of the trash can under the sink clearly means a trip outside lots of whining and door darting. When I use a mixer it clearly means that they both might get some unusual and treat so they both must sit and watch me intently, getting ice from the freezer also leads to begging.....and the thing that makes him a totally crazy.....when my husband hugs me.

For my female AJ.....A frog swiming in the pool is just cause for a great deal of barking. Alerting us she is ready to come in from the back yard, and any dog appearing to misbehave she goes into remedial barking directly at them. Rattling of Cookie Jar......

And on and on and on. What can we all say our corgi people are fabulous!
Oh yes..when my husband reaches across the bed to kiss me, Gunny will get between us and lay his head on my neck. Somehow he can make his head weigh a ton...and impossible to move. LOL If my husband reaches across the bed to hold my hand Gunny starts licking my entire arm . I think he might be "claiming" his territory by doing this! Some goofey canine thing! It never gets really nasty like some dogs I've seen on that " It's Me or the Dog" show. My husbands growl is louder!
I find that if say Po is underneath a chair or in some position where we can't get to him, if my Mum's around and I hug her Po will come racing out to stick his head between us.
My mum's grandfathers Corgi used to do the same thing with my Mum and her boyfriend when she was young, he'd plant himself right between them on the couch.
The broom or the shovel! He despises the broom and shovel! If I grab he instantly is on his feet his eyes get a crazed look in them and he can barely control himself from snapping and barking and grabbing at it! I have to talk him "out of the trees" when he sees me with it in my hands. Sometimes if it is innocently resting in the garage it it gets a good bite as he passes it
The sound of the fridge ice dispenser. He knows ice cubes come from that and he will be waiting for the rogue ice cube to try to make a break for it. He will then take his "kill" back to his doggie bed and enjoy his frozen treat. lol
Do you ever intentionally "drop" on for him?
Gizmo love ice to... and we do intentionally drop it at times


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