Both of our corgis are having their fair share of troubles lately.

First our soon to be 13 yr. old female Lucy has what I fear is hip dysplagia.  Im concerned that due to her age the vet won't want to do much other than pain meds.  She does not seem to be having pain now. But we feel so badly.  She really has a weak rt leg and it's difficult for her to stand and run.


Any ideas on how to help her?  Wheelchair?, Supplements?


Our 4 year old male has had a recent run of ear infections.  We took him to see our vet, gave him all his medication and do ear washes, but it never seems to clear up.  He is always scratching his ears and they are both red and smelly. We were told it was yeast/bacteria.  I am woundering if he has a food allergy.


If it's allergy related, what feed do you use to help with this?


Thanks so much for your time!



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When one of my corgis had difficulty walking I found a stroller at a garage sale that went flat. She loved rides in the stroller. She was able to stand and walk a little so that was all I had to do. It made her last days very happy! as far as the ears, a friend went to a grain free diet with her dog and the infections really diminished.
I like the stroller idea. I have considered one that could be attached to my bike.
Having the same exact ear problem with our four year old. Our vet sold us the meds and ear wash, but warned us it's an uphill battle. I too am on the lookout for grain free food.
Well, this afternoon i went to our local pet store and after looking through tons of food labels I purchased the Wellness brand. It's corn free, wheat free, soy free, egg free and for dogs with allergies. I chose the salmon flavor and my dogs love it. I will post a review after trying it for a few weeks.
I like the stroller idea! If you can keep your corgi in the stroller, that is. I have an IVDD corgi on wheels which are expensive. A lot of people with DM dogs start with wheels and go to strollers as the disease progresses, they seem to have very good luck with the strollers. I think that there are strollers made just for dogs, but I like the garage sale or thrift shop idea


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