Holy moly, Olive chews through dang near every toy we buy her!  Doesn't seem to matter how much it costs, what it's made of, which end of the grey-scale it's on, or what shape it's in... Olive will chew it up no doubt.  Can't buy her stuffed toys anymore.  Can't let her have a rope for too long.  Squeakers?  More like deaders.  Rubber, schmubber.  It seems like we buy and throw away at about 1:1/week.  I bought her one of those black kong super chewer toys, so we'll see how that goes... any help on what to get her that might actually last would be greatly appreciated!


...she's 10ths old, maybe 20lbs

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Dexter is the same way!! If a toys says "Super tough" it is not tough enough for him. He will rip it apart with the exception of the Extreme kong and Nylabone dura-chew plus. Hopefully the Extreme kong will work for Olive. I can't even tell you how many rope balls we have bought. He loves them though. I just ordered the Everlasting Treat Ball so we shall see how that works. I have been told it is great.
We've had great success with the red kong original. Tennis ball worked for us, it cracked open after a few years, we still got a few golf balls that are still intact. How about cow femur bones? They last more than a year for us.
Baxter likes to destroy most of his toys too. However, he does seem to favor some and he spares their lives. I bought him this triceratops last month and he hasn't destroyed it so far, but has remained pretty interested in it. Although he did rip off the tiny blue spikes off its back. Otherwise than that, it still makes its honking/sqeak noise.
The go dog toys, like Tabaxterful says are pretty good Quin hasn't killed her baby dragon that i got her, but it does have a hole in the knee. I am going to try to sew it up. But i do think the trick is to not leave the toys down all the time, only let them have them when you are playing with them. As for stuff they can just chew! Quin loves and so do I the bully sticks. They last a long time so it keeps her busy and it keeps her from chewing other stuff. I get mine at costco but you can get them at most pet stores. they last a lot longer than raw hide and they aren't as hard on teeth as real bones.
I wish Bully Sticks lasted Olive a long time... we have to take it away from her after 15min or she'll swallow what's left of it. I'll have to check out the Go Dog toys like you and Tabaxterful have suggested, thanks!
We don't call Baron "the destroyer" for nothing, He also has destroyed every toy he gets. His favorites are the toys with the chew guard technology. If you bought a toy from Go Dog and it was destroyed by Olive. Send a picture of the toy to the Go Dog website and they will send you a one time only replacement toy. Baron's dragon was replaced by an ardvark. Within 30 seconds both ears and half the tail were gone. Within 30 minutes stuffing from toy was all over living room floor. He has not destroyed his red kong rubber toys yet. We also bought a Kong stuffed rabbit with replaceable squeekers. You just have to keep her from ripping out the pouch with the squeeker. He went through his bully stick like a starving animal.

Good luck

Baron's mom
The best toy that I've found for Noodles was a $0.99 rubber, squeaky monster that I found at Wal-mart. It doesn't have a squeaker in it, so he can't destroy the toy in order to get to the squeaker. There is a hole in the bottom and that is what makes the monster squeak. He loves this toy and I think the only reason why he hasn't destroyed it yet is because it is too small for him to figure out a way to hold it down and chew on it at the same time. Other than that, we replace toys on a regular basis. I found it humorous that a toy marked "indestructable" only lasted Noodles 2 days before it was gone. Ugh! He loves his squeaky, stuffed animals, but I have to watch him in order to keep the squeaky inside of them. I've sewn "cow" and "moose" back together many times with Noodles watching patiently at my feet while I perform surgery on them. He gets a new set of rings every year because he loves playing tug-o-war with them and they always end up breaking. I don't think a toy should be marked "indestructable" unless it has been corgi tested!
I'm starting to think the same thing... who knew our little guys were such ridiculous gnawers? Funny about the Walmart toy, as the longest lasting toy for Ol also was from there. My wife has become good with the needle and thread, repairing such friends as Frog, Lamb, Duck and Bear. Toys from Misfit Island have nothing on these guys!
My first two Corgis were casual chewers and toys lasted forever. Gromit is a chewing monster and demolishes anything that catches his attention. Some toys are just ignored altogether, others are "gone in 60 seconds." Bully sticks are good for maybe an hour, tops. I was thinking about getting him one of those bullet proof kevlar vests that police and military use, not for him to wear but to chew on.

So far the biggest hit with him has been the natural cow hooves. I had misgivings about them, heard stories of corgis breaking teeth on them, but Gromit loves them and a hoof will last him about two weeks or so before it's gotten small enough to be trouble and we take it away. Gromit's breeder still has Gromit's brother, Night, and she tells me Night is the same way.
Jean York has a line on some chew-proof items... safe plastic liners for milking machines... who'da guessed.
We have the same problem. Skye will destroy any toy I give her!!! I got her a small tire dog toy thinking it would last and she had it chewed up in an hour. So we just keep buying toys and throwing them away with in a few days. We would love to find some that last. Luckily though she only chews on her toys she has never destroyed anything in the house even as a puppy! :)
We were just at the store last night and thought the tire looked good too. You are right, within a half hour Poopdeck had two holes in the thing. I am back to empty water bottles, at least I don't feel so bad throwing them out after a couple of minutes.


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