( I posted this earlier as a blog but it dropped off so quickly And because I really want to get the message out there ..... I'm reposting it in the discussion forum.)


Over the course of the last couple weeks the topic of the Bufo Toad has come up Twice!!

First when a friend of mine's little Daschund had a sudden seizure. And after the fact her husband remembered there had been a Bufo Toad in their garage. And this morning - when my sister saw one in her back yard!!

Smudlik the daschund is on meds for seizures for one month, because they are not 100% positive that he came in contact with the Bufo. He was lucky - they think that, if he did come in contact with it, it was peripheral. Because my friends husband had picked up the frog with a rag to get rid of it, but then set the rag down on the car seat where Smudlik sits when he goes for a ride with them. So to be on the safe side they're keeping him on the seizure meds, then will take him off and see what happens. If he doesn't have another seizure then they'll be fairly sure it was from the contact with the Bufo.

They are evidently prevelent in South Florida and the poison they emit from their skin can be DEADLY!!! Here is a link to a webpage that tells what to do if your dog, cat or any pet for that matter (and maybe us humans too??) come in contact with one.


I also encourge each of you to google bufo toad for images, so you'll have a good visual!!

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Ewwwwwww...that would be hard for my dogs to stay away from!!!!!!


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