I would appreciate opinions on this subject!


We are leaning towards NOT sending in London's AKC paperwork and registering him and saving the money. We waited until the last minute admittedly, and tried to do it online just to find out our paperwork didn't have a PIN to register it online and that our form had to be mailed in, and since it would go out after Oct 2 2010 it was not only $34 but an additional $35 (total $69).


We will not be breeding London. Unfortunately he must be fixed in the near future now that he's one year old, he has that condition where only one *ahem* "nut" descended. We're told it's best to have him fixed shortly so it won't increase the risk of becoming cancerous, beyond the fact it apparently will increase their chances of a longer healthy life fixed. Along with the fact the surgery will cost a little more than a basic "fix" because it will be semi-exploratory (we have a general idea actually where the rogue *ahem* "nut" is hiding and occasionally appears).


So my question is basically this, is there any sense in spending $69 for papers on a dog that will never be bred, his markings are not AKC "perfection" and he'll never be able to be shown (which is pure B.S. frankly, sorry our pup is handsome!)


Any input would be appreciated! We haven't pitched the form, but after Oct 2, 2011 the fee increase another $30-something, so it'll cost like $120.

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We never sent in Guinness's papers for the very same reason. We were told when we got him that his markings would prevent him from being bred or shown as well, so we chose just to get him fixed and not have him papered, it seemed silly to spend the money for no reason. I personally don't care if he's papered or not; I love the little toad no matter what, and I think he's quite good-looking!
I did register our female. She was fixed at 6 mo. Our male was just fixed at 5 1/2 mo and i have not sent his papers in and probably will not. I do not see any benefit and we love them both the same.....
I agree..we never sent in our St Bernards papers either. He had the same *ahem* problems as your pup,( and that cost $350!!)
And we think he is perfect and saw no reason to pay that much for a piece of paper!!
We have done it with other dogs we owned (Corgis and St Bernards). But I wouldn't bother with it if I were you!
Wow, yes we've been to two vets, one said $460 the other $126, and the one that's $126 has the better reputation believe it or not!
Most pet owners don't end up registering their dogs. Some breeders ask you to do it so they have better ability to keep track of the puppies, but if you're not going to show in any discipline (remember that you need a registration number to show in obedience or rally or agility) it's fine to not register them.
Good point, I will have to look into that. The AKC agility trials look fun, but then we were introduced to DockDogs. Our little guy LOVES to swim so much and we think he'd enjoy that a lot more, plus it seems so much more laid back, humanwise lol. I'll have to check but I'm pretty sure DockDogs just want licenses and up to date on shots and don't care about purebred paperwork from AKC or elsewhere.
Mine are both registered, though one was acquired as an adult and came already registered. Growing up, we always had all our purebred dogs registed, and none were ever bred or shown.

Our dogs both earned their CGC title, and that goes after their name if they are registered. As Joanna mentioned, if you ever might want to compete in rally or agility in AKC events, the dog needs to be registered. I also think it's fun to pick a registered name.

I realize everyone's financial situation is different, but we easily blow more than the registration fee on a single trip to a pet store, so the money was not much of a factor to me, personally.
Thank you all for the advice! My mother also brought up a good point yesterday. My parents have three AKC certificates in a drawer and three graves out back. The photographs and other momentos of those three late dogs are more cherished than the ugly boring AKC certicates ever will be, and money that could have been spent on something better towards each of those three dogs since none were never bred or shown.
I agree with those who mentioned performance events. If you want to compete in AKC events like Rally, Agility, Herding and Tracking you will be required to have registration. Ashton is neutered and we never planed on showing him even though he is show quality. We did want to do performance events so we sent off his registration. Performance events are so much fun and Ashton loves going to trials. It was definitely a wise decision for us to register him.

If you have no intention on ever doing the events or showing then there really isn't a point in obtaining the paperwork unless you think the certificate is neato. I think each owner should make this decision based on what is best for their situation.
I agree there isn't any need for the papers.
Besides all a Corgi needs
 is food and love if you ask your corgi. 
I would say it all depends on whether you might want to show him in other aspects in the future (i.e. herding, obedience, agility, etc). Confirmation is not the only kind of dog show. Our boy Frosty is fixed, but I am still hoping to show him in obedience. If you don't think you will ever want to do any of those things, then don't spend the money. I would recommend getting him registered just in case you change your mind in the future.
Mine have all been registered, but I have never done anything with the paperwork. I come across it occasionally and think "oh yeah, THAT's his real name".


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