I would appreciate opinions on this subject!


We are leaning towards NOT sending in London's AKC paperwork and registering him and saving the money. We waited until the last minute admittedly, and tried to do it online just to find out our paperwork didn't have a PIN to register it online and that our form had to be mailed in, and since it would go out after Oct 2 2010 it was not only $34 but an additional $35 (total $69).


We will not be breeding London. Unfortunately he must be fixed in the near future now that he's one year old, he has that condition where only one *ahem* "nut" descended. We're told it's best to have him fixed shortly so it won't increase the risk of becoming cancerous, beyond the fact it apparently will increase their chances of a longer healthy life fixed. Along with the fact the surgery will cost a little more than a basic "fix" because it will be semi-exploratory (we have a general idea actually where the rogue *ahem* "nut" is hiding and occasionally appears).


So my question is basically this, is there any sense in spending $69 for papers on a dog that will never be bred, his markings are not AKC "perfection" and he'll never be able to be shown (which is pure B.S. frankly, sorry our pup is handsome!)


Any input would be appreciated! We haven't pitched the form, but after Oct 2, 2011 the fee increase another $30-something, so it'll cost like $120.

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I never registered Miranda but I dont feel bad because the breeders have to register the litter and individual dogs in order for them to be AKC in the US. So really Miranda is registered, she just has not been updated! The only advantage for registering is to find mates for your breedable dog, or to keep track of the number of Corgi's there are. The AKC rates the popularity of breeds based on the number of registered dogs. But even then the breeder should have registered the dog when he/she registered the litter. In my case I would have been sending in paper work to have Miranda's AKC registration transfered over to my name, which is a lot of money and it becomes more expensive with each transfer a dog has. I would rather give her a nice new toy.
We registered Samantha and will be registering Bomber. Although we do support local rescue's our AKC registration helps support Kennel Inspections, canine search & rescue, canine good citizen program, public education and there is the AKC-CAR AKC Companion Animal Recovery 24 hour service for both microchip or tattoo. It is really a personal choice, we will not be breeding or competing but this helps the organization on a global scale.
I think i'm experiencing a similar situation.

the thing for me is i have a form for Limited AKC registration filled out by the Breeder. Now what exactly does that mean when its Limited.

I imagine the Full Registration is for Breeding / Showing. So wouldn't Limited just be the way i currently own my dog. Non Breeding / Non Showing purposes?
Limited registration means that any offspring of a dog with this type of registration can not be registered with AKC. Manly it's a way for a breeder to control the further breeding of offspring that they have felt will not be a benefit to the future of the breed.
Dogs with limited registration can participate in any AKC recognized event other then conformation.
Benefits to AKC registration are many. Yes its a simple certificate but by continueing to register even dogs that are not used for breeding provides a valuable database of known offspring and what they went on to do-titles, etc.
If at any point you do want to participate in obedience, rally, tracking, or herding, you will then need to appy for a type of registration called ILP--indefinate listing privilages--something like that, it's changed a little now. So you can do it now or do it later, just depends on what you do.
Also, if at somepoint your dog were stolen, if it's microchipped or tattoed and that is listed on it's registration form, you would be able to prove ownership of the dog if it's found.
Both of my boys will be registered (haven't decided on a full name for the puppy yet) in case we wish to participate in any AKC obedience, agility, herding, etc. If you're not planning on doing any of that, then there really is no need to spend the money.

Most breeders sell their "pet" puppies on limited registration, it just means that they cannot be shown, and no litters produced by that dog/bitch can be registered with the AKC. Basically it's extra insurance to make sure you never breed your pet.


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