So my daily routine is to wake up, go shower, get dressed and ready to leave, put lotion on, then take the dogs out to go potty. While I do all this the dogs are still passed out on my bed or on the floor of my room. I guess they have learned to associate lotion with going out because now when I pump the lotion bottle, the dogs will leap up and bolt to the door with waggy tails and smiles. I know its typically to see this behavior when you pick up leashes and things like that but its amusing to see it in response to me putting on lotion. Have your dogs learned to respond to weird things in your daily routine? 

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mine are so like this. i can get a glass out of the cupboard and from anywhere in the house all you hear are nails on the floor. next thing - there are 2 corgis waiting at the bottom of the fridge for their "ice treat!"
my favorite new behavior, as i've posted about kai's med's - kai the perpetual food dog now has figured out that after the am "business" he gets a treat. so he runs to the door with Luna, my other corgi, Luna goes out but Kai - well he stops and runs for the treat box! - who needs to do their business when a treat is at hand.......... you do all realize these dogs have us SO FIGURED out...........
Whenever I pick up my ipod, Teddy think we're going for a walk. Even if I'm just charging it or moving it. ipod means WALK in his mind. He's right most of the time.
It's called classical conditioning.
I know but I thought people would want to share their own stories, Pavlov's is a little boring. Its fun to see what our dogs get conditioned to respond to.
yes, yes. Hayden knows when I stand in a specific corner of the kitchen it is time for ripe bananas which he loves........If I take too long to give him he starts rolling over which I usually make him do before giving it to him. If i still stand there without giving him the banana, he starts to spin he will do every trick he knows after that. It is so funny!! He cracks me up. That boy will do anything for a ripe banana.!

That has GOT to be a Corgi thing.  lol  Molly will do all of her tricks, one right after the other, right in the beginning.  It's as though she is cutting to the chase so that she can get her treat sooner.  She has also changed "sit" to "lay down," since I would make her do both before she would get something.  When I say sit, she throws her entire body down on the ground like, "There!  Are you happy now?  Let's move on."

hahaha! Yah, Ein has picked up that when my husband pick's up his cig pack that he's going outside and wants to go too.
When my youngest daughter gets up in the morning to prepare for school, our corgi boy Tod gets all excited because that is when she feeds him! After that she has her breakfast, and then packs her lunch and comes upstairs. When she is just about to zip up her lunch box, Tod (who is patiently lying down next to her) jumps up and races for the stairs with her!
I'm always amazed at how rooted in routine corgis get and then respond to the little things as direction of what is coming next. Every morning Blitz and I get up around 6, he eats and we cuddle for a while. Meanwhile, I've set my alarm for 6:30 in case I fall back asleep on the couch. Blitz is wandering around, going outside during this time, but without fail at 6:30 when that alarm goes off, he runs into his crate and knows that I'm going upstairs to get ready. I don't have to say a word. What a good boy!
If I put on makeup, Sophie gets excited and runs to the door. I seldom wear it if I'm just hanging around the house. She knows it means going out and she wants in on it. She also starts staring me down when I brush my teeth in the morning because when I'm done, it means I'll be leaving for work and she will get a kong full of treats to keep her busy for a while.
We make a hissing sound at the cat if it's naughty, now our Corgi "Pickles" has decided that this means she must heard the cat upstairs and under the bed! She returns to me immediately as if to say "see mama, I got rid of that nasty cat for you!".

My roommates cat has ripped up the under part of my bed, because apparently it's fun to sleep in it.  I love Lucifer (the cat) to death, he's awesome, but I don't like my bed being destroyed.  My boyfriend is a NERF gun collector, and there are about seven million of them around the bedroom, so I have one that I use to get Lucifer out from underneath the bed.  Molly (my Corgi), when she hears the sound of the plastic of the gun, will start barking and then chase Lucifer down the hallway... every time.  lol  So yes, she has the same interest in cat herding that Pickles does.  haha


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