One of my breeders has sent me a picture of an available puppy she has. So I am seeking professional advice (all of you!!) will this cute little puppy end up being a red-headed tri puppy?

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Looks to me more like sable, (or maybe even red and white). I'm just guessing though. It's hard to see the colors on the back but the pup looks too light for a tri. Did the breeder say it's a tri?
she didn't specify whether or not it was a tri... i'm just day dreaming and secrelty hoping that it is one. But in closer inspection and comparing it to other puppy pictures, you are right, it does seem too light to have black on its back.
Most photos I've seen of red headed tris start out with a lot of black on their head too. The dark fur around the muzzle and the widow's peak on the forehead has me guessing sable.
I cant see the pics at work, but Tri puppies are typically a very black color, with virtually no red/yellow while young. If it looks like the pup in my pic it should be red/white with possibly some very light sabling, though most likely pure red/white I am told.
From all the puppy pictures I've seen, that definitely looks like sable coloring...though very dark sable to be sure. As Charlie said, the red-headed tris start off with more black on their face. This little cutie will probably only get a little lighter in color, I would guess. But s/he is still very adorable!!! :)
Now that I can actually see the picture, it looks like it would be a darker yellow red/white with some very scarce sabling on the back with mabye a mustache. Very cute pup
Looks more like a red/white Corgi to me. My Ritz was of similar colour when he was a puppy.
I think sable or red/white with a sable stripe on the back.
Look here - she was gray a lot when she was a pup, but it all went away and now she has only a bit of sable on the back.
He's a cutie, what ever he turns out to be.
Looks just like my Layla, who is red and white. Hunter, who is a tri, is much darker. He was just black and white when we first met him. Just like in this picture, Layla's head has already turned red, but her back is still a brown color. I'm betting that's what you have here! I have pictures of Layla and Hunter on my page if you want to compare.
I am guessing sable, but it could go red/white. With a bright red head and black points. This one is adorable and should be a beautiful Corgi--I'm also guessing nice big ears. such a sweet face.
what a cutie! I'm guessing red/white. Steve's fur was dark especially around his eyes (like a black eye), nose and back when he was still at the breeders. All the dark/black hair gradually went away by the time he was 3 to 3.5months and now he's a red/white.


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