hello everyone. after watching animal cops on tv i realized that all the neglected animals that come in all have dental problems. now of course none of which happens on there will ever happen to my fur kids but it made me wonder, what can i really do to help their oral health if i cant get their teeth cleaned all the time and just lessen the chances of it happening to them?

i have always gotten complements from my vet and just friends about how shiny and healthy his teeth are. even when he got neutered they did a free teeth cleaning since the whole major the dachshund didnt work out. they said there wasn't much to clean but they were even more shiny and clean! lol 

to help i went out and bought doggie tooth paste from "four paws" it came with a long tooth brush and a finger brush (i made it positive and he lets me brush his teeth as he knows he gets treats at the end of it lol hes such a good boy) i also got some greenies hoping to help him, along with a toy rope that has floss and spearmint flavor

is there anything else i can do help him out? he of course will get dental cleaning once or twice a year since he has pet insurance and it covers it

and yes he does eat hard kibble 

thank you:)

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lol just like a kid "but mom i dont wanna brush my teeth!" im glad that i inspired you=)
I found a study about feeding oxtail cleans teeth! Maybe you wanna check that out. :3
thank you:) i will defiantly check it out. thats pretty cool that it cleans teeth!
You are doing everything you can do! You are a great pet owner! There are many dental products out there but don't fall for all the hype. Brushing the teeth daily is the most important, and dry food. For brushing teeth, you focus on the outside of the teeth, especially the molars.
thank you very much for saying that=) that really made my day lol when i brush his teeth i make sure i spend the most time on his molars as those teeth are the main ones. i took him to the vet yesterday for a check up and he couldn't believe how wonderful his teeth were, he also was very shocked that i brush his teeth! lol
Yeah, I think we have like... 1 client a day come in to see the vets I work for that actually even knows TO brush their dogs teeth, much less does it! lol
I do tegans a couple times a week, he likes the actual brush more than the finger brush, oddly.
He's also inhaling a bully stick at the moment, which I *hear* is very good for their teeth.. and it's 100% natural/digestible which makes me a happy corgi-mommy.

It was 9" two hours ago..... now it's about 4"... he is enjoying himself. lol
haha thats what happens when ever i give teddy one:) i love the pic! very cute and thank you for posting it. they really love them and since they are digestible im happy he likes it. teddy also likes the brush, he dosnt care for the finger brush either. every morning we have a routine and he knows it. potty, breakfast, wait an hour and then he gets his teeth brushed. he jumps on the couch and actually looks forward to getting his teeth brushed as for one he loves the tooth paste lol and two he gets a zuke's treat afterwards:)
Tegan does ANYTHING for zukes ;) those are his favorite, too! heehee
lol i have 3 bags of them because if i run out he is a cranky butt;P


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