i have been reading that smoked and cooked bones are really bad for dogs and can cause all sorts of problems. but thing of it is, i have always given teddy raw hides and hes never had a problem and only gets them few and far between and dosnt eat much of it anyways but i have bought him smoke house cow knee bones. they are the size of your fist and he really loves them. he dosnt act sick or have runny/discolored poop. i read that cooked bones are bad because the bones splinter and hurt the stomach and intension's. but what i have noticed is the knee bones are not like that, its actually quite soft. i can press my thumb(hard) and feel it move around my thumb. this of course is after he gets the smoked skin of along with the other stuff on it. 

i always supervise him with any thing i give him and throw it out when it becomes small. should i still be worried? a lot of people saying that they were bad also said if they are fine while eating it ans how no symptoms then u r ok but i am just not sure.

and yes they are made in the USA, its all over the package and i even called the company to make sure. i have also attached a pic

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Its more table scrap type bones you don't want to give your dog (i.e. rib bones or chicken bones). They say beef femur and knee bones are ok because they don't splinter. Franklin does manage to splinter the femur bones so I have to always keep an eye on him but I've always fed them too without a problem, as long as they are store bought for dogs. I would stay away from any of the other bones at the store like the rib bones. Rawhides are a problem in dogs that eat big chunks of the raw hide whole.
thank you:) i was getting worried and thought maybe i was causing him more harm than good. you are right about the chicken bones, i knew that you should never ever give them those. when i was 7years old my moms dogs had a chicken bone stuck on the roof of his mouth and was there for almost 2months rotting. but it was kinda small so we didnt know it was there until my parents took him to the vet. it was nasty!!. but thank you for telling me about the rib bones, i didnt know about that but now i know:)
The smokehouse bones make Sophie throw up, so do the basted raw hides. But that is just Sophie I think. She can eat unbasted raw hides, pigs ears, bully sticks. I've also given her the marrow bones they sell at the grocery store these days (since they no longer have dog bones available for free). She does really well on all of those. Vets are all different. Sophie's first vet told me to never give her anything but her kibble, no treats, nothing. I changed vets and he is fine with her having raw hides etc.
my vet told me the same thing so i also switched vets and he said they were fine. im sorry Sophie(i love her name by the way) gets sick on some of the treats you give her. some dogs are like that. teddy can can eat anything and will be fine. i have never tried the marrow bones before, i will have to try that:) i have tried unbiased raw hides and treats but he dosnt like them i guess i cant blame him lol
I gave Aber smoked bones for years and he never had an issue. Now that's he's older, the vet said to stop--give only raw bones--after we had to rush him to the vet with an impacted butt. The vet literally had to stick his finger up Aber's butt and pick the stuff out of him. Needless to say, neither dog nor vet was pleased. Plus, if the blockage had formed further up, he would have had to have surgery.
o my goodness! i feel so bad that happened to him! i could just imagine how scary that was:(. so this was after u stopped the smoked bones? i have never given him any other type of bone but i will be sure to not to
No, we stopped the smoked bones after they clogged him up. He'd been eating one of those nice safe looking knee bones for 2 days before he got completely constipated and in a fair amount of pain. Because of his back, we were really scared at first---we thought he'd just lost the ability to push and this was a sign that the end was near. It was really just a sign that smoked bones aren't a good thing, especially when the dog insists on crunching them up in record time.

Raw bones are the best and if you get beef soup bones at the grocery store, they usually have some meat on them and a little marrow. Plus, they're really cheap. Throw them in the freezer and just take them out when you want to give him a treat. They adore the marrow, the meat's good for them and could potentially replace a meal, and the minerals they scrape off the bones are great. Plus, it's all really safe, baring some freak accident like choking.
the grocery bones sound wonderful. i bet teddy would love to get to he marrow inside. i will just make sure i am always there with him so theres no way he can choke. teddy takes about 3-4days to eat the bone but if it will affect his health then i will stop all together.

i am sorry about miss reading the post, i was reading it from my phone when i was in the store. i hope aber is doing better! poor guy
He's fine now--thanks, though :). Like I said, he ate the smoked kind for years and never had an issue, but now that he finally did I'm reading all over the place how those smoked bones are potentially awful, even though that's all the pet stores sell.

I'm sure Teddy would adore the marrow--they all do. And, you're in DC, right? You might be able to find a real butcher in Maryland or Virginia who could give you a deal on bones. There's a beef and bison place I make it out to from time to time to get super cheap bones.
thank you for the info:) yes we are in DC on the bolling AFB. i wouldn't mind going out and finding a butcher. that would be nice to get good but cheap bones for him. i would rather go out of my way to keep him healthy lol you are right i keep reading about how bad they are and i im not going to give to give them to him anymore, i noticed today he had yellow runny poo and im thinking its either the bone or the skin and coat vitamins. do i think petco or any other store sells raw bones? i havnt seen any in our grocery store

and i am happy he is doing better:)
lol thank goodness there isnt any pear trees where we live:) thank you for the info. i knew that rawhides were bad but wow. i must say, u r very right! as one night teddy did start to choke. there was a piece in his bed and tried to eat but it was too small for him. i thank good that he was in our room otherwise the worse would have happened. i had to reach into his mouth and pinch my fingers together to pull it out. after that if the bone was half gone i threw it away.

im not going to give those to him anymore and just use natural bones. not cooked though. he seems to LOVE the smoked bones i give him but what happened to aber really scares me. maybe just once in a wile would be fine. when i do buy them like u said i always have to check the package as some are ripped open and look very nasty.


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