Be Honest: How Much Exercise Does Your Corgi Get?

I'm curious what the exercise regime for your corgi(s) is on the average day? Leash walking? Off-leash walking? Fetch? Laser? Tug? Playmates?


Has it changed as they've aged? How do they act if you skip a day or two?


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Annie actually gets walked 3 miles every other day!
I am willing to walk but my Keke is not interested gg for walks at all. Most of the days, I have to carry her out of our building cos she won't move once we were out of the lift (at all). I will bring her to a enclosed basketball court if it is empty n let her run freely. If not, I will carry her as far away from home as I can before putting her down. She will walk from there as she wants to go home. And seeing little me carrying her is Very Very funny! She won't poo or pee outside so we dun hv the pressure to force her walk too.
how old is this dog that wont walk?
Almost 2 years old. She used to enjoy walking until one day someone let off a bunch of firecrackers across the road. OMG, she cried and struggled (in my arms) all the way home. Needless to say my arms was full of bruises the next day. That happened 6 mths ago and from tthere on, she dun want to go walk.

Peoples let go firecracker on wedding day, shop opening, festival etc etc here. So, sometimes there is no way to avoid it.
Noodles is taken on 2 walks a in the morning before work and then one after work. The total number of miles for the 2 combined is about 2.75 miles. We take longer walks on Saturday's since I have the time to do it. Rain, shine, snow and darkness doesn't stop us. The only time we take it easy is when it is icey outside because I don't want either one of us to slip. We also play fetch and tug-o-war every night for about an hour or more. Noodles sleeps during the day because we are at work, but he is very excited to take his walks. If there are other dogs down at the park, he will play with them for a bit and I know that those other dogs can tire him out better than what I can. Noodles is 5 years told, but we've been doing this same routine for a while now. The only difference I notice with him is when it is cool outside, he has more energy. If it starts getting nice outside (mid 60s or higher), he won't push himself as hard because it is too warm for him. I just like to say that if I'm comfortable outside, then he isn't and if I'm freezing, he loves it. We are very faithful on our walks/jogs because if he doesn't get his 2 a day, then I notice a huge difference in that he isn't able to settle down or sleep well at night. He needs those walks to tire him out (the walks are both on leash and off leash).
wow!! i live in corpus and its hot 80% of the time. We survived this summer but she is only 9 months now so with our weather getting cooler (i tell you its hardly ever under 50,and thats in jan) ...were walking more and more i need it and she loves it! Its a funny thing, this summer we put up a large 4 ft x 18ft portable pool and she was scared of the water, would not swim at all! maybe next yr ill get her a life jacket and throw her in again.
Chepstow walks 4 miles with me every morning................OK I walk and he runs and trots. He chases the ball and brings it back over and over and over again, at least a total of 45 minutes. During the summer he swims in the lake all the time. Not just playing in the water, deep water swimming. He has not slowed down with age (he is 5) at all, one could only wish he would. We decided a long time ago his tired button is broken.
Tenby is a couch potatos due to a severe shoulder problem, but Chepstow is active enough for both of them
When the "real dog people" get talking, it's clear that only the young and healthy are worthy of having dogs. Sadly, we are not all that way. Since becoming disabled, the off-leash dog park, the doggy-door, and the fenced yard have been the way that we all cope. The corgi, as well as the other dogs, have all adjusted well. On the 3-4 days we do not visit the dog park for an hour and a half they get a big bone to chew, and play ball in the back yard. Some of them can entertain themselves outside with their balls on their own. Some play fetch in the house.

I am happy with how they all adjust their needs to what they are offered. Bless you, puppies.
Probably not enough - but picking her up and holding her or watching her you would never know. She is the most agile dog I have ever seen in my whole life, and when you pick her up she feels like one solid muscle.

We get some excersize on walks - on the leash which limits her (as I am slow and fat). The bulk of her excersize is indoor - it is not regular or deliberately scheduled but rather spontaneous. It consists of either running through the house at top speed for no reasons (which she has done less since she turned 1) which works just fine since she never runs into anything; or playing indoor ball, which is sort of limited; or chasing the lazer - which gets her very excited, tail goes 1000000 miles per hour, and by the time we are done she is often very hot, panting, and in need of some R&R - which tells me it is the best excersize she gets!

Foxy wakes me up around 6 am now and I walk him out of our less than safe neighborhood and into the adjacent neighborhood. We make a lap that takes up to 25 minutes. We come back and I sleep until ten or so, get up and do my chores. After those are done then Foxy has a protein treat for his 2nd walk of the day, same route. We come back and then chill until the man gets home and I then plan to walk him again, same route.  It's upsetting though. He's in great physical shape but he gets very tired about 15-20 minutes into the walk.  Also I thought I understood the fur situation being a problem with the heat here in Virginia Beach, but come to find out, getting him trimmed (not shaved, the woman at the grooming facility said shaving him all the way down would make his skin susceptible to sun burn) down doesn't help all that much.  In fact, their fur is their air conditioning...but he still seems a lot cooler in doors at least. I just don't think we'll be trimming him like this again. Oh and also all the walking has been on leash. Foxy is easily distracted when outside...something I know is common place and shows my faults rather than his.. but now that he's living with me again (he'd been staying with the folks for a while during my impending awkward divorce) I plan on restricting all the crap food my mom would "spoil" him with...or the way she doesn't hold his lower back when picking him up...or one time I came home and he was barking and we've been working on No Bark which has actually worked out beautifully...and as he started to bark my mother shushed me and proclaimed, "He doesn't have a very long life! Let him bark! He's not hurting anyone!" Well yes he is. I just moved him in with me into an apartment so I can't have him barking over every single drop of a pin. And also I want Foxy to have more discipline. Wow this got off topic sorry. 

Back to the question. Yes Foxy seemed like he walked a lot farther when he was younger, but since I adopted him from South Korea 2 years ago (He turned 2 this June!) he well, was in Korea. Where the climate is different, there are many hills etc...then he comes to the United States with me and I don't know if it had to do with aging but it seems like he just gets exhausted so quickly here. It's probably just the intense heat.  And if I skip a day of walking him, he whines, acts restless, barks more frequently, sighs a lot, demands a whole lot of attention (I can't go near the other animals in the house at my parent's house and here if I talk to my guy or begin cooing at his cat, who is still scared to come out of the bedroom even though Foxy has grown up with cats and doesn't care..he doesn't chase. he's a very skittish animal towards other dogs but with cats,birds,etc he acts like they don't even exist). 

Sadly, skipping days came very often in Korea because of our location and my concern for our safety when my husband wasn't able to be with us. I got over it after figuring out a route but it seemed like it wasn't long enough for Foxy and also as my depression deepened I could never find it in myself to take him out. I'd beg my husband. Sure I'd lay there and rub Foxy, feed him and play with him while in the apartment there but going outside was something I'd struggled with even in the states. Something that since I've gotten back, rose out of depression due to a hefty dose of Lexapro, that Foxy really helped me with...was the going outside part. I will never again deny him his exercise and because of that today alone I met another one of my neighbors! That's a big deal for me because I've been staying here for the past 7 months and had met eyes or spoke with absolutely no one. I would even be too terrified to go outside to smoke a cigarette. Something that actually is a good thing for my health. But I knew once Foxy was given back to me (the whole reason I didn't have him in the first place since we arrived back in the states...the bf cherishes his fidgety cat and believes still that the apartment is too small for a dog...Foxy is barely 25 pounds and since moving the drum set and several other things, Foxy has more than enough room. I have to keep fighting the good fight. I need to be with my dog. So of course he was given the ultimatum I know anyone with a pet would give, "Either my dog stays here with me or I stay there with him."

To everyone's delight, I'm sitting next to Foxy right now!

We excercise Buddy for selfish reasons, so we can have peace in the house. He walked/ran 2-4 miles a day off leash the first 3 years.Anything less meant interrupted sleep  for us. He has slowed down at age 5, esp with summer heat. Today he "helped" mow the grass, went to town to run errands, treed a squirrel,  and walked about 4 blocks and will be fine.

Sam gets a walk almost every day, 30-40 minutes unless it`s raining, or I`m sick. And he also gets outside time pretty much when ever he wants it, and fetch pretty much when ever he wants. We play A LOT of fetch. 


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