i read a article on one of the latest blogs and there was a slight alarm as to the females getting temperamental? Has anyone expereinced this?

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good.. i just looked on line and that was the census , i was getting a little scared.because i had a cat spayed once and she turn into a bitch oops
...i dont want this to happen to my happy go lucky corgi~ :))
Temperamental? Is that code for bitchy? And aren't our little girls actually bitches?

Your cat was just being a cat. A queen, I believe they're called :)
hahahahah true!
I don't think the spaying has any thing to do with their temperament. I just think they grow up and in the case of cats yes some people do say that female cats are not as affectionate as male cats. Personally I loved my female cat did she love others in the house? Not so much :) But that being said Quin is now 1yr and she was spayed at 6 months I think she is more affectionate now then she was as a young puppy. I have heard that females are more bossy hummmm..... I don't know where that comes from. haha But I do think they are happier dogs being spayed, they don't have to go through all that hormonal crap:)
i wish that would happen , Carly hardly lets me lay beside her.. she is always at my feet but not in my lap or next to me on the sofa, unless she asking me to play ..hahaha more like demanding that i throw her toy!
thats good to know, id sure like for carly to be more affectionate, right now its all play and no cuddling , bossy is the truth!!...
I do want whats best for her, made me rethink her having a litter.. i know i was happier when i didnt have all that crap to go through~ hahahaha
my kitty didnt like anyone but me and that was debatable at times!
When I had my female dog spayed, it did not change her behavior or attitude in any way at all. Except that she was really mad at me the first day because I tried to get her to wear a cone lol. Other than that, no change whatsoever.
Well, as many a breeder has said about female dogs: "That's why they call them bitches." The breeders I talk to mostly say if they could have just one dog, it would be a male. When I was getting my male puppy, I sort of thought they were just saying that because I asked for a female but when she did temperament testing, she thought that one of two males would be best for our house (and she was right). So I thought "Of course she is saying that, because she wants me to take a male puppy!" and she had more males than females in the litter.

Well, then I went back and got a female from the same breeder, and she told me again if she could have just one dog it would be a male.

My female is sweet and submissive but definitely bitchier with other dogs than my boy.

As for spaying, my perspective is fairly unique because when we brought Maddie home, she was an adult intact female who had one litter (she's a retired show dog).

Before she was spayed, she was very protective of her lady bits and would snap at any dog who tried to sniff her there. After spaying, she is not nearly so concerned with what goes on behind and much more tolerant of boys sniffing her.

Females will typically push off males when not in season, and I think they lose a bit of this tendency when spayed.


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