I'm just curious, did anyone ever shave their corgi before? What they look like after shaving? Shaving a corgi is it really will change the texture of their coat forever? Are their coloring going to change?

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Double-coated breeds like Corgis should only be shaved for medical reasons (severe skin problem, surgery, etc).  


It is impossible to predict how any dog's coat will come back after shaving.  The top coat and undercoat are on different growth cycles.  The undercoat grows in rapidly and is almost completely blown once or twice a year.  The top coat, on the other hand, is on a several year growth cycle.  If by sheer chance you get the dog clipped right when he's getting ready to put on new growth of top coat, it might come back fairly quickly and look normal.  On the other hand, you might end up with a dog who has mostly undercoat and only patchy top coat for a good year or two, depending on the growth cycle.  

We got Maddie as a retired show dog and got her spayed when she was four years old.  It took a good year for the trapppings on her sides (where her belly was shaved) to come back in completely.  She had short, uneven hair in that area for a very long time.  Puppies will come back faster because they are still growing in their adult coat until they are around a year and a half to two years old. 

I see! Thanks for your advice! Happy new year! ^-^
I have shaved several of my older corgi's in the hot summer months, but when I shave them I do NOT remove their undercoat. They do look a little strange because their undercoat is always a different color but their coats always grow back within a month or two and their coat texture is the same as before shaving. Not sure of the outcome if you clip off the undercoat.

I think if you shave the undercoat, they might become patchy like "zach and lisa" mention above. Happy new year!!!!!!!!!!! ^-^

Sidney was shaved on his left hind leg 4 months ago for surgery. His undercoat is all back but he does not have the top coat yet. The undercoat is fluffier and paler, so it looks different.


I've heard it is a bad idea to ever shave your corgi unless it is for medical reasons.

I see~ Thanks for the infor!!!!!! Happy new year!!!!!

We currently have two 1-year old Corgi's and have not shaved them.  However, our prior female, Dana was shaved every six to eight weeks for the last 4 years before she passed.  We live in Hot, Humid SW Florida and it helped keep her cooler and reduce our cleaning and brushing.  My recommendation is to ask them to trim it the first time to about 1 inch long to see how they respond and how long it takes to grow.  My vet said she thought it was a great idea.


The first time we had Dana clipped, she walked out with a Bandana and was completely embarassed by her haircut.  However, subsequent beauty parlor trips were greeted with fluffly butt wagging and litttle yips of happiness.  Once she figured out it was more comfortable, she didnt mind at all.  Good Luck.

Eeek, don't do it. Just bathe and brush, or use a force dryer after the bath. Shaving doesn't really cool them done during the summer either. Dogs sweat through their noses and their paw pads. You could shave their paw pads though, they stay cleaner too.

Think of insect protection.  In the Cascade mountains of Washington, the bugs can be literally maddening below, say, 5500'.  Really, I have seen people completely lose their heads.  I almost never use insect repellent, but one day last August I used 1/4 bottle of 100% DEET on the ascent.  I noticed that Gwynnie was scarcely bothered; the only place the flies could get to her was on her snout.  Only ticks and fleas can get through thick fur, I think.

Some claim that fur can also insulate from heat.  A thin coat may not help cooling as much as we'd think:  remember, dogs do not sweat on their skin, so they won't get evaporative cooling like we do.

I saw a fluffy once that had been groomed down to a regular-coat-length for summer.

This is Kiba right after getting shaved. He has Demodex and to help manage it and see where new spots were starting, I had to shave him. After shaving him and being able to really see his skin, I was able to make sure the treatment got right to the skin and has really seemed to help in making him heal faster. All the bald spots you see in the picture now have hair and his coat seems to be growing in nicely so far. I did have to buy a sweater for him and some blankets to make sure he kept warm. The cone is to keep him from licking and biting himself. I will admit though, he looks like a mutt still and I have a lot of people look at him weird when I tell them that he is full corgi lol. Also noticed that he was all fur once it was gone lol. I will never shave him again though once his coat grows back...I really miss his fur!!! =(


Please don't do it......the corgi coat keeps the dog warm in the winter & cool in the summer.  Their coat protects their skin from exposure to the elements.  I, personally, believe it affects their personality.....they just don't feel as good about themselves when they've been shaved.  Sorry to say, I did it one time on my very first corgi......& under no circumstances would I ever do it again (except for medical reasons only).



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