Hello all, 

How many of you feed your little ones people food along with dog food?  Does anyone feed their corgi ONLY people food?  


What kinds of people food do you give your corgi?  In lieu of dog treats, I sometimes give out pieces of chicken, cheese, and hard boiled egg.  


What kind of diet is your corgi on?



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teddy gets feed wellness super five mix lamb,salmon and barley. but for people food he gets eggs,carrots, spinach, apples, bananas, blue berries, raspberries, strawberries,plain oatmeal,chicken,hamburger, frozen green beans,peas and cheese


of course this isnt every day but i have it marked on a calender of what fruits,meats,kibble,and veggies he gets. i know i spoil him but he is super healthy and his weight/coat is wonderful! 


this morning he got kibble with some eggs mixed with spinach. for lunch he will get some carrots and frozen green beans with half a banana. for dinner a little bit of kibble with peas and blueberries with a tad of cheese on top:) 

He sounds healthy!  I'll have to try blueberries, thanks :)
no problem:) and thank you!
I'm coming to your house!!
We try really hard not to give Ginger people food.  We decided that when we got her in an effort to keep her from begging while we're eating.  That didn't work.  She still begs horrifically.  She loves baby carrots so she gets those on a regular basis as treats, and ice cubs. She also loves dill pickles.  She gets those on a very rare occaision, and even then it's just a tiny little bit.  She goes crazy whenever I'm eating them.  That's why Princess Pickles will be included in her registered name.  She seems to really beg for anything carb based such as toast, rolls, english muffins, etc, but she mainly just gets doggie treats.   
Milly gets a lot of people food. My husband is the biggest culprit! She gets one cup of Blue Buffalo grain free either chicken or salmon and then tiny bits of our food. Toast or cereal for breakfast, then lean meats and veggies. Her favourite people foods are fish, peanut butter, PIZZA to name a few. I see some people mentioned blueberries but Milly does not handle that at all. She has really bad tummy trouble after eating them and we found out the hard way. Otherwise all other fruit and veggies is good, preferably at room temperature.
Sparky gets frozen vegetables every morning while I get my coffee. Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans or whatever else is in the freezer. Just a piece of each. He also gets the last bite of my banana and usually the last bite of my grits. I give him plain pasta occasionally. I try to keep it healthy, the only junk food would be a few pieces of popcorn every few weeks. Ice cubes are a treat. This is on top of his kibble.
I have 3 dogs, they all get a small amount of a protein food added to their dog food. In the morning yogurt and sometimes a bit of olive oil. In the evening cooked or raw lean meat, or hard boiled egg, or fish.  I freeze lean hamburger or lean ground turkey in ice cube trays, so it's easy to take out a cube to add to each dinner if there is nothing to share from our meal, or I'll mash a hard boiled egg and split it between the 3 dogs. Sometimes I give the dog food plain, so as not to have finecky eaters, they eat eagerly one way or the other.
curious....hamburger/chopmeat-cooked or raw?
The first time we took a puppy with us to Thanksgiving dinner at my sister-in-law's house, he had a very nice dinner. The kids' table was in a different room, and when I went to visit them, I found the pup was getting a full course Thanksgiving dinner fed to him, on a fork. I confess that when I saw this, I sat down and joined them. Children and puppies can be better dinner companions than in-laws :)
I don't know about any other families but being Asian, my parents always fed our dog's human food.  I grew up having mostly Pomeranian.  My parents always fed our dogs rice with whatever we were eating (soup, chicken, beef, etc).  With Carter (our corgi) we feed him dry dog food.  He does get human food when we are at my parents house though and also for special occasions like his birthday.  For his birthday his special treat is some vanilla ice cream and what we are having for dinner.  Last year he got a doggie taco (taco meet, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes). There isn't a single thing Carter won't eat.  He loves veggies and fruit so during the summer we like to give him that.

Grissom eats a species-appropriate raw diet - that is, meat.  Raw meaty bones.  Muscles, organs, any body parts we can get our hands on. Eggs. Fish, preferably whole. 

For treats: antlers, hooves, chicken feet, rib bones, boiled hot dogs, etc.

However he is more than willing to eat anything his people are eating so if a carrot or blueberry happens to fall on the floor, he's welcome to it :-)  He's allergic to carbohydrates so stuffing his Kong isn't as simple as peanut butter, and I often make pastes of various meats with a spoonful of applesauce to glue it together and freeze that in the Kong.


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