I have to take Ein back into the vet today, cause a lump is growing under the skin right to the left of her incision and stitches. I've been keeping an eye on the area and thought she was experiencing a tiny bit of swelling, but today it's much larger and I finally touched it and it's hard. Her spay surgery was Friday so it's been almost 72 hrs since the procedure. Has anyone else seen this or experienced this type of lump after a surgery procedure? Her appt isn't for another 2 and a half hours, so I thought I'd throw this out there while I wait.



P.S. It didn't seem to hurt her when I touched it.


Added a picture. It's hard to tell, cause she's standing so it's all kind of just hanging there and you can't see the definition of the bump, but it's about an inch to inch and a half long and half an inch wide.

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I'm guessing it's lymph building up - which means infection or an allergy.  It's just her body rushing white blood cells to fight off infection, something is irritating her skin.  Or it could mean she has a cyst, but I'm sure your vet would have found that and removed it during her spay.  I wouldn't be too worried, if it's infection they'll just give her an antibiotic and maybe an ointment.  In the meantime, don't let her lick it and don't touch it.  Poor punkin, though!  Im sure all she wants to do is rest right now. 
She's already on antibiotics, cause she had a cut in her mouth that they had to suture up while she was under for her spay. She's been on those since Friday, and I haven't missed giving her any.
has she been kept quiet, not allowed to play or jump? Looks like a seroma they frequently get when they are too active after spay surgery. May also be an allergic reaction to the internal sutures. My chihuahua developed a hard lump which was just a reaction to the sutures and she still has it almost 2 years later, no biggie though since it doesn't bother her
All day Friday and all day Saturday she was lethargic and hardly moved at all. Yesterday she was moving around a lot, but not playing hard (ie not running or jumping). Today I've hardly been able to keep her still. She's been all over the place.
Might be an interior stitch came loose. Let us know when you get back from the vet. Good luck.
Will do.
Thanks for all the input ladies.
Freddy the technician took a look at her in lobby and said everything looked good. He said there are multiple layers that need to be sutured when they make an incision in that area and that one or both of the underlying layers are irritated and swelling a bit, but it's nothing to be worried about. He told me to put a warm compress on it 3-4 times daily and the swelling should go down. So everything is all good.

It's a fine line between "why did you bring her in?" and "why didn't you bring her in sooner?" LOL I'm never a good gauge of when it's actually necessary to see the vet. I usually err on the side of caution. Better safe than sorry.

Good, I would rather be safe than sorry!
I hope your little girl feels better soon! Sending love from me and Rowdy!

Aww, thanks! She actually feels great, and is back to her spunky self. The lump doesn't seem to hurt her at all, even when I touch it. I was just concerned, cause the lump was growing a little bigger every day. Hopefully the warm compresses help and the inflammation and swelling goes down. I just don't like seeing that bump there and knowing something under the skin is irritated. Thanks for your concern.




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