100 healthy sled dogs shot because business dropped

This turns my stomach:




An outdoor outfit in Canada shot or slashed the throats of 100 sled dogs because business has been slow.  


The dogs were killed in front of each other, causing panic and chaos.

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How HORRIBLE...makes me sick too...I didn't watch the video!
Just the reading makes me sick, I can't watch the video!
I'm really upset I just read that. There's no way I can watch the video.

I did not even realize there was a video attached.  Based on the story (horrible) I don't think it's actual footage of the crime, since this happened last April and it just came to light now.

I saw this story when I was watching the news this morning. I went to the link and in the write up there was something that disturbed me even more:


"Marcy Moriarty of the British Columbia SPCA told the station she was most disturbed by the “description where he notes that one of the dogs he thought had been killed was crawling around in t.... ... Honestly, I had to put down the story then.”"


This is just sick. Some people are just plain evil.

Here's the FB Group if you want to follow it.


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