We just got our first Corgi and I had a question. I am used to Border Collies and other medium sized dogs and I noticed that the Corgi does this little bunny hopping thing with her back feet when ever she is running. She is only 9 weeks old, so I don't think it is Hip Dysplasia (her parents were clear for hip Dysplasia) but I wanted to know if this is normal or should I be concerned? I am not used to a dog that is only like 2 inches off of the ground! I did notice that her back feet seem to go faster than her front feet which causes her to fall sometimes (so cute!)  Thanks for any imput!



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:)  That's pretty much how corgis run.  Because they haven't a lot of leg, they actually run with their entire bodies, using those long torsos as a spring- just like bunnies.  It's part of the joy of corgis!
Thank you!! This makes me feel so much better. I am just used to seeing "bunny hoppers" as hip dysplasia dogs and before I started FREAKING (too late) I wanted to check with some other corgi owners. Thanks!!
If you want to further investigate the "bunny hop", go on YouTube and search for "running corgi".  Also, corgiaddict.com has a huge selection of corgi videos, all of them adorable.  (I highly recommend the snow corgi videos.)  This will set your mind at rest and give you lots of reasons to go, "Squeee!".  ;)

I actually did that! I watched like 20 videos and she runs just like they all do! I am relieved that she is "normal."


Got another question for you- she is 9 weeks old and VERY mouthy. She thinks everything is a toy. As long as I keep directing her to appropriate toys, she will grow out of this right? I have never had a "mouthy" dog so I wanted to make sure there isn't some "special" way to fix this.

Morrison was mouthy when he was young also. I found the sour aple spray ehlpful and redirect. When I find things now that he got a hold of when he was young it makes me smile. It will end.


And the bunny butt is the best thing ever! It cracks me up when MOrrison goes flying out the back door to catch a squirel.

Ours bunny hop out the back door every morning!  It's just too cute.

who can resist the bunny-butt?

I certainly can't...

Yup...this is normal for our "not so normal" dogs...it is fun to watch though as the more excited mine are the more they hop:)
I love to watch my little girl bunny hop, those little back legs just going like crazy!!

big ears........check! tiny little nubs of tails .......check! hoppy little legs..................check!    Love it!


My daughter will take them for a run, and I love to watch from behind as they hop along!

My little girl actually is going to be my new running buddy so I wanted to make sure it was normal before I took her out to start running.

Be sure you don't take her running before 9 months of age.  Their growth plates aren't closed before then, and you can do alot of damage to their little legs.  No jumping off furniture either....


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