Have any of you had any experiences using this:


It seems too expensive for what it's supposed to do... (the reviews are amazing, though-- one from a corgi owner...)

What kind of brush do you use with your corgis to help thin the undercoat??

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Kimberly, I too had my doubts about this outrageously priced grooming tool. I read reviews and pondered the idea for several months before breaking down and buying one. I regret those two months! The thing is amazing! My corgi doesn't seem to shed nearly as much as some but it got a LOT of hair off of her... not to mention my cat! There are a couple discussions about it on this site that you might reference (couldn't tell you exactly where they're at, sorry). I bought mine off of the mycorgi store for about $30... it does what it says it does.
thank you so much! i just went back and read some of the reviews and there was one from a Corgi owner. It sounds amazing. what size should I get-- the 2.6 inch or the 4 inch? the 4 inch seems too big...
Ah, the FURminator! I bought one at a local street fair a couple years ago. We use it on all three dogs and two cats. It does work incredibly well and I get so much fur off my corgi/elkhound mix with his very very thick coat (even though he hates being brushed). The other dogs and cats all enjoy it. Before this product was readily available I used to pay the groomer to use it, and they charged as much for one session as it cost me to buy the thing. Good thing also is that it is well made and should last a long time.
The "search" function on this site is in the upper right corner. Type in Furminator, and you'll see several threads on this tool. Seems like 100 out of 100 Corgi owners love them. : - ) Guess I'm the only holdout on the entire planet. LOL I'm still refusing to buy one based on thinking that $25-$30 is ridiculous for a dog brush. I effectively use a shedding blade and a soft slicker almost daily on Charlie. The shedding blade takes out all the dead undercoat, so he doesn't leave fur on the furniture or my clothes.
I have one, and while my pup is still has puppy-down and no fur yet we did use it on a relatives "fluffy" lab/corgi mutt and holy crap, it will pull out more balls of hair than you could possibly imagine. Charlie (above) might be right, but you can find them all over the internet for less money. I got mine off of Ebay.com for $17 and $3 shipping.
My friend, the furminator! It works great for thinning the undercoat on a corgi. I use mine mostly on my dogs neck, back, and hips. I use it sparingly on the sensitive areas. Works great. The only disadvantage I found was in the winter it seemed to generate quite a bit of static electricity. My corgi's coat also seems softer on top after use. Try e-bay for a lower price. It's a sturdy tool. I have the medium size (yellow). Good luck!
It's cheaper HERE, pick your size and the price will show. It's more expensive if you go to an actual store.
The medium is still $30.00...same as my local supply store. Until prices come down, I'm sticking with my $8 shedding blade that gets all the dead fur out. Charlie still does not have a really full coat yet at 10 months anyway. : - )
Well!!! Y'all sure know your stuff. I am buying it first thing tomorrow morning!

Another question-- how old should the pup be before I start using this? Blaze is only 10 weeks old and I know he still has his puppy fur... very soft and sweet... so at what age should I routinely start using the brush?

In the past I used a horse brush.. I know it sounds weird but a friend of mine suggested it and it helped with the massive amounts of hair, but Andy and Max still shed like crazy...
I bought one off Ebay (large for $33.00) and started using it once i saw that Bailey started shedding (probably at 11-12 weeks).. i was hoping hed keep his puppy fur and not shed for awhile.. hahaah guess not! hes growing that rough big boy coat starting with a strip of it down his back - everywhere else is still fuzzy and soft though . and the 4 inch one isn't that long - id reccommend it!!!

anyways, i think its safe - but if he's not shedding there wouldn't really be a need to use it since it is a deshedding tool - a regular brush would work fine just now until you see signs (don't worry you'll notice it lol). if you do use it, just dont use too much downward pressure and don't do it everyday - it might irritate his skin - especially puppies. Bailey's 14 weeks old now and I am furminating him once a week and using a regular brush every/every other day. =P

oh yea and i too love the Furminator!!!!!!!!!

I was very happy to hear that ur puppy was shedding at 11-12 weeks also!

I was reading through the posts and most pple say when they are 5-6 months they should start shedding their puppy coat.

I'm like 'Really?! My puppy, when I got him was 10 weeks and he already had a line down his back that was rougher than his puppy coat and now he's shedding even more and the line down his back is getting wider and longer. Is something wrong with him then if he was shedding already at 3 months?!!!!'


Thank goodness I found ur reply! It made me feel a whole lot better! At first I freaked and was like 'Oh my gosh! is it what I'm feeding him?' Then I'm like 'Wait! I'm still feeding him what the breeders gave me and he came to me with that smooth line down his back already!' 

You really set my mind at ease!  I was starting to fear that he might be abnormal!

That dark line is the adult topcoat growing in :-)


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