K so last weekend was pretty rough.  I got very sick last Friday night with what I though was food poisoning.  The whole nine happened to me with top and bottom stuff happening.  Saturday I was so weak and Solomon stayed right on top of me....in my face, under my feet as I tried to walk.  Then he started with the same thing I was doing.  My husband said well did he eat what you did and no he did not.  The last thing I ate was at work and he was home.....later I found out I had a stomuch virus.  Now after all that here is my question, can Solomon get a stomuch virus like I had?  Can it affect him the same way it did me with the throwing up and diarrhea?  That has just puzzled me, Bobby got worried when Solomon started doing the same thing as me and he would not eat either.  FYI...he got better one day before I did.

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no he can't. You can not pass a virus to your dog or vice versa. Only way you could pass something to him if it were certain types of bacterial infections and if it were in fact food poisoning and Solomon happened to some how get contaminated too.

Actually, it can happen.  Although most viruses are species specific, viruses occasionally make the species leap (that's how "bird flu" and "swine flu" got their names). It's not a very common event, but it does happen.  It's also possible that he's just sick from the stress of you being unwell.  Whatever it was, I'm glad you're both better! 

There are quite a few zootonic illnesses shared by people and animals.  Here's a list of the more common ones, and remember that food-borne illnesses sometimes don't give symptoms til several days after you first ingested the bacteria.  




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