Yesterday I noticed that Yoshi's been making weird movements with his mouth. It kind of looks as if he's chewing on something but there's nothing in his mouth. Or he kind of looks like what people look like when they're trying to get something out of their teeth. I'm not sure how else to describe it. I don't know if its anything to worry about. My boyfriend said we'll take him to the vet if he continues this for a few days but I thought I'd ask around first in case this was something normal that we shouldn't bother with the vet about or if it was serious that we shouldn't wait a couple days for. Anyone have any ideas? I'm really worried. He doesn't seem to be acting any different besides that. He does it a lot throughout the day. Every few minutes or so for about 5 minutes. And he'll stop for maybe a couple of hours and do it again.

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Rowdy did something kinda similar to this when he was teething, I realized he was knocking out his baby teeth and fussing with them before swallowing or leaving them. I was able to find 2 :) I don't think he was as frequent as Yoshi, but he did it about once a day for a few days while he was teething. Hope everything is okay!

Once Baxter was chewing on an antler and then he started doing something similar to what you're describing. We thought he had something in the back of his throat that he couldn't get out. After a sweeping check of his mouth, we found that was nothing there. I took him to the emergency vet and the vet said he might have scratched the back of his throat. When we got back in the car, he stopped making the chewing motion.


Is this something that he just started doing or something that he does occasionally?

He's still young isn't he? My guess would be a loose tooth.
Maybe he is getting hair in his mouth and he's trying to get it out?

My most serious thought would be a petit seizure...if it keeps up I'd take him to the vet...otherwise if he's young I'd think a loose tooth or something stuck between his teeth (rawhide?)


thanks, everyone. I think i feel just a tiny bit less worried because Yoshi is probably at the age where maybe his baby teeth are coming out. so i'm still gonna wait a couple of days and just watch and see if it gets better or worse. probably going to take him to the vet anyway just in case. but i appreciate all the advice and experiences shared! =)
BTW Yoshi stopped doing that weird thing with his mouth. We didn't end up taking him to the vet after all. I'm assuming everything's okay. Thanks for all the advice, everyone! =)


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