When my husband gets out of his chair in his office after sitting for some time, CorgiBear jumps up and barks aggressively and "yells" at him. Why? She knows this behavior is not good because my husband tells her to stop and no, and she still "yells" at him, and than runs to her crate, her safe zone where she likes to sleep. She does this "yelling" agressive barking at me when he drives up in the driveway, and is at the front door wanting to be let out to see daddy, she yells at me when I won't open the door to let her out. What is this behavior? She barks aggressively and has snarled at us. We tell her NO but she continues.

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She is getting bossy! Not unusual for a corgi. Sparty does things like that occasionally. We have to remind him pretty regularly whose the boss! Have you tried some obedience classes? That would help you find ways to convince her that she does not get to tell you what to do. It is important to address the behavior correctly and in a positive manner otherwise it can escalate. You really should get an evaluation from a trainer.
I agree a trainer would be helpful. Also try googling "nothing in life is free" for dogs. It's a very non-confrontational way to show your dog you are in charge. Some behaviors that we think of as "affectionate" (like demanding to be petted, for instance) can actually be signs of dominance that we miss.
This is a slippery slope, and I have to strongly disagree with some of the so-called "dominant" behaviors. For instance, my dog Scout (not a corgi), displays some "dominant" behaviors, that are clearly not so. She is one of the most submissive dogs I have ever met.
I've heard some dog trainers claim that your dog wanting you to hold his/her bone while chewing is a dominance issue. Atlas always insists I do this, yet a simple "stop" while I am holding the bone will get him to release it, and I can tell him to "wait" and he won't touch the bone until I give him the okay. Clearly, he understands that he does not control the bone.
So anyways, long story short, I take claims of "dominant" behaviors with a grain of salt. Some are clearly correct, while others are more ambiguous and may even be dog specific.
Gee Ross, I do not mean to imply that dominance is always bad. I like the personality of my dominant male corgi. And my very submissive female sometimes bosses him around. I just think that taking classes from the right "positive" trainer helps a dog owner react correctly so they avoid problems with behavior that they probably created in the first place.
Of course.
I was just responding to Beth being told that certain behaviors are "dominant," when there is not always a clear cut answer to a behavior.
If you will re-read my post, I said "can actually be signs of dominance" not "are signs of dominance." "Can" meaning "may be." No behavior should be judged in a vacuum.

My parents have a very dominant female Chessie, and she is very forceful in demanding affection. She will come over and nudge your hands, and if you ignore her she will nudge you harder.

However, I did not make any blanket statement about any behavior. Context is key. Some behaviors can, depending on the circumstance, signal dominance, fear, insecurity, or any host of other things. Corgis as herders display a lot of pushy behavior that is not necessarily a sign that the individual dog is dominant. My own Corgi will "talk back" to me and yet if I actually get a very stern voice with him he immediately displays submissive behavior, and I consider him to be a fairly soft dog, despite his occasional bossiness.
The obedience class is a fine idea. This will help you to teach your dog the basic commands that not only make them much more of a pleasure to live with but may also save their life some day. I would establish a very solid sit and/or down command. Plan ahead for your husbands arrival home and have him tell you when he plans to get up. I would redirect her to a sit or down at that time. Hopefully you can refocus her attention on you. It is very important to correct this behavior now. You can rest assured her "reactive" episodes will grow considerably over time. The barking/snarling can quickly turn in to a bite in no time. I suspect he has other reactive events as well. I appears there may be some fear issues from how you describe it. Best of luck.
Brody would do that whenever hubby would hug / kiss me. We just worked on telling him "stop" and now he just does little "hoof" sounds.
I'm in agreement with Sam 100%. Deal with this issue now, whatever the cause. It is not normal or appropriate behavior. Whatever the cause, escalation to a bite is imminent without some big and consistent changes involving both owners. I also suspect it is fear-based and that you will need professional guidance.
You should watch the dog whisperer on NAT GEO. Joey was acting this way up till a couple weeks ago when started to learn that he's a dog and not a stuffed toy. They have to treated firmly and shown who's the pack leader or they will try to dominate. Our vet Dr. Williams calls them "Napolean" complexes.


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