We just added a Min Pin to our group of fur babies! He was left in a shelter and was in need of a new home. He was neutered on Tues but is not house trained and not all the way crate trained. He is around 2 years old we were told, although he acts like a very young pup! We dont want the other fur babies re-gressing (Baxter is finally potty trained at 11 months) Anyone got any ideas? This new little guy needs a lot of love and attention as he was about to be put to sleep at the shelter when the rescue we got him from saved him. He is very hyper and a bit "out of control" but very eager to please. Not sure if the previous owner was abusive, but he has definately been neglected. We want him to have a good home with us, but also need to help him with his manners! Anyone who has any ideas or suggestions it would be greatly appreciated!

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Thank you for taking him in! I would suggest a pet fence so that he can be around you and be part of the family but he can also have a place that is not in areas that he may have an accident if not watching! You can also leave his crate in there and open. He probably doesn't have much for socialization skills either so I would let him get used to his new surrounding and then the potty training could be a bit of a challenge. Hopefully he will respond well to treats! My first thought is get him out every 2 hours and if he does go potty say "potty" when possible and if he starts to lift his leg in the house you will need to go ahah or no and try to get him to the door! This will take some time I have a very good article on potty training a difficult dog but I don't have time right now too find it!

Good Luck!
From my experience, it takes about 1 month for everyone to figure out each other's boundaries, the new comer may finally reveal it's true personality then. Your corgis are most likely going to regress, if they are not neutered, they may start to urine mark their territories. The newly neutered min pin will also take some time to get his hormone out of the system as well. I'll say crate train him like everyone else until proven reliable, set the same rules for everyone, make sure everyone is on board with your rules in the house. The most important thing is walk walk walk, exercise, discipline then affection. Most behavior issues can be solve by walking, when you go on walks, it is a group mission oriented activity, no sniffing around, focus on moving forward, it'll keep them focus and learn to follow you.
A pet fence is a wonderful thing and we could not have survived having a new puppy or introducing a new dog without baby gates and an ex-pen. HOWEVER, my understanding is that Min Pins are both climbers and jumpers and I doubt a three-foot obstacle will hold him for long.

I love Min Pins. I have never seen one that is not on its toes constantly, and if you ever watch agility on tv they are one of the most commonly seen of the toy breeds, along with Papillons. Many toy dogs are very difficult to housebreak and honestly you may never achieve 100%.

It is wonderful that you gave this guy a home! Prepare for the fun! You may find that he needs considerably more running time than your Corgis to stay happy/sane. Don't assume his less-than-perfect behaviors come from neglect/abuse, because being "too much dog" for the owner is one of the more common reasons for surrender and a Min Pin is well above the skill level of a first-time owner, so he is very lucky to have found you! Can't wait to see pics.


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