I have a 13 week old female Pem. When we first brought her home at 8 weeks. we took her out every 2 hours at night. Slowly increasing the time intervals. Now we are down to once let out per night, but she does not wine when she need to go (so we do not know when to take her out and is peeing in her crate. I have it small and she is still peeing and trying to sleep around it (just missing the pee). I have tried cutting off water a couple hours before bed. But doesn't seem to help. She as gone the whole night with out accident a couple time(but there was no change in her schedual). Anyone have some tips on how to get her from 5 hour to being able to hold it to 8 hours.

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These are just some things that I have seen on the internet...

-Take out the absorbent pad inside

-If the crate is not in the room with you, try it for a night to see if it helps. She might have anxiety. And you may be able to hear her get restless meaning she may need to go out.

-Maybe try a different kind of crate

-Check with the vet to see if she has a bladder infection or other issues

****:( Best of luck!*****
her crate is in the room, and the only time we wake up is if her collar tag goes against the crate. and we have taken her to the vet and they say she is perfectly healthy and there is no medical reason she is peeing in the crate. But i will try another crate arrangement. though we have tried using mat, blanket and nothing but the crate base and she still does her thing. Thanks for the advice
Yea..i figured you would have done everything i suggested. They were the common things people suggested. I wish I has some personal suggestions :/
Just a thought, Isn't 13 wks kind of young to hold for 8 hrs?
Goldy is 5 months old and she still wakes me up to go potty at night. If for some reason I don't wake up, she will go inside :(
Teagen would poddy the crate occasionally up until the 6 month range also.
I think 8 hours might be stretching it for a 13 week old. We brought ours home around the same time and only found that he was only able to hold it for around 4~6 hours. As he became older he was able to hold it longer though.

You guys might just want to try waking up earlier, waking up inbetween, whatever.
For some reason LO never got us up to pee at night. Sorry I can't help.
I think that every puppy is different. Just because my own puppy can't hold it overnight, it does not mean something is wrong. It's like a kid. Eventually, they will get there. we need to be patient. Nevertheless, it seems to me that 8h for 13week puppy is little too long. I have 4 months old Corgi and we literally have been stretching a time by 10-15 min over a few day period. When we got Zena, she was 9 weeks old and we did as you did every 2 hour. A week later we did every 3 hours. One night, my wife and I did not hear an alarm and couldn't take her out. I sprung out of the bed around 5 am worrying about the wet crate but it was fine. After that that, we stretched to 5 hours. Then again, we did 10-15 min stretching for several day period. Regarding our schedule, we cut off water around 8pm and she goes to bed about 9PM. I always take her out around midnight. I can tell she is not very urgent at midnight but I would rather go out at midnight than 3 am. Then she wakes up between 6-7 am. Our goal is to 9PM till 6 AM. But I anticipate that it's going to take a while. Currently, we are not really trying hard but occasionally doing 7 h but mostly 6 h to make sure that she would not have an accident.
I guess that I am repeating what others said. If she makes a mistake, drastically reduce the holding time and start again to make sure that she would not get comfortable peeing in the crate. When I was waking up at 2-3 am and standing outside for 5-10 min in below a freezing point temperature, I was like, "what have I done?". Finally, we are over with such a crazy schedule.
Good luck.
we have always gone off of her waking up and if it is to early we don't take her out and wait till the next time. And we hate getting up at 3 am and taking her out in the cold, when we have to get up around 5-6. But i think your 12pm and then when we get up will work. And going by alarm is a great idea. thank you very much.
Hmmm. I have found that most puppies can hold it overnight IF they are asleep most of that time. Is something disturbing her sleep? To me one good reason to have the crate out of the bedroom is that the puppy is much more likely to learn that nighttime= zero activity time; it could be that the sounds of your own movement disturb her. Most people can go through the overnight without having to pee, but if something wakes them in the middle of the night and they are up they then have to go.

Just a thought.
i never though of that. And i am sure that she is waking up because i toss and turn at night, and make noise. Though i can not move her out of my room becuase of my roommate. But i can figure out something to let her sleep better


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