im not sure what is going on with teddy but i am at my wits end with all the trouble going on..ever since snoopy died and then started work teddy has changed a bit and not for the good. im not sure if he just bored or if hes not "fixed" yetbut this has to stop. (he is 7moths old)

for one hes always chasing the cats, i tell him no, i use water bottle and if it gets really bad i lock him in his crate for a short time so he calms down.

hes now always trying to be sneaky about eating out of the cat box, i corrected this when he was young but now thinks its ok, i catch him every time and correct him but still keeps doing it! i feed him enough food plus treats so i know hes not hungry.

when we play he bites! he has never done that before and i do correct  like i always have been and wont listen

and for some reason when he comes into contact with dogs he tries to get away, he has been socilized very well to other dogs and gets plenty of walks (two a day for 45 mins or we take him to the feild to tire him out for and hour) and we have always ran into other dogs and loved them, now he hates them

the big issue: teddy has never been a big chewer and knows what he is allowed to chew but out of the blue is chewing, clothes, toilet papper, rugs, shoes, our bed.

and the newest thing has been when ever our blanket falls on the floor he just lays there and pees! its so gross, i take him out when he "asks" or if i think he needs to wich is about every 4-5 hours

i would love any advice please.

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Sounds like adolescents to me - he's going to be a little menace for a while, and you really have to kick up your training again into high gear. He'll try your patience for a while, but if you stand your ground and make sure you are clear and consistent about the rules and boundaries (re: biting while playing, eating from the litter-box, chasing the cats) things should improve with time.

I would make sure that for the next few months at least, you don't allow him any free time (outside his crate, a pen or a "safe" room) when you cannot directly supervise. He's reverting back to some of his puppy behaviours, so now's the time to really reinforce the things you taught him when he was a pup, and sort of start from square-one so-to-speak, so he remembers what the rules are. Rules and routine are the most important, I think (obviously exercise and fun too, but you can easily incorporate fun and exercise into rules and routine).

Regarding the dogs, that one's a little odd to me, but could you set up a play date with just one pup that you know he liked in the past or is very friendly/playful (but calm enough)? Perhaps if given some time to work things out himself with another dog, his behaviour might improve.
thank u, i hope the dog thing improves with time, he dosnt get mean, bite, or growl he just getts really scared and tries to run away. even with dogs he knows. he has known this basset hound since he was 12weeks and all of a sudden hes so scared to play and the basset hound is like "what wrong, why dont u wanna play?" teddy has never been a problem but now that hes by himself more he seems to get depressed and maybe trying to get attention?? i was thinking about putting him in a doggy dare care and see how he does but im not sure yet. i am always correcting him on bad behaviors and rewarding good ones. he does listen to me but just this past week he wanted to get into stuff, i do have kongs toys for him and he loves them along with his bones but maybe he was just so bored. but i will make sure that i have him in my sites. he does sleep in his crate at night and has no problem with it
Welcome to the Terrible Two's of puppy hood. He'll be a bit tough to manage for a bit. You have to ramp up training. Be firm, but not aggressive. He'll try to push your buttons. We're going through that with Harmony. Some days I'd like to strangle the little sH)&! But she's a wonderful dog and is going through that phase. Continue to be clear on your boundaries. Remember that to a pup, cat poop is like tootsie rolls. They smell the undigested stuff in cat poop and it drives them nuts. One of the things I did was get a large Rubbermaid deep cat pan. It's about 12-14 inches deep with a top that has a circle in it. Their little stubby legs prevent them from getting the poop. It's been a lifesaver! You might go back to your clicker training, as well.

All will be fine as long as you are consistently firm. Yelling at him only makes him think you're joining in the fun. (Had to find that one out the hard

Oh, and about the issues with other this age he's in an "anxiety period." There are a couple of them in the first year. One of the things I suggest to my clients: Bring your pup to a place like PetSmart. Have a chair to sit on and some yummy treats. If you sit near the front, beyond the check outs, and correct him and reward him when he has positive interactions, it will help. I've done this with a number of dogs with success. While you're doing this, start slow. Don't let the other dogs come up to him at first. Ask the owners to help by keeping their dogs at a comfortable distance. Most owners are happy to help. As your pup gets more and more comfortable, you can begin to bring the visiting dogs a bit closer.
thank u:) that sounds like that will work for him. i go to petco all the time and know most of the people there so i bet he will love it. that does make sense about the anxiety. he dosnt get mean, bite, or growl he just gets really scared and tries to run away . i think what im gonna do for the cat problem is get a baby gate or a really big cat box so he cant get into it, i do have one thats shaped like a dome but he just stick his head in to get some poo. when i correct him its always firm so he knows im serious and reward and praise the good behavior.

so im thinking he just started his terrible twos lol i hope we can make it through, there were days where i was so mad i just wanted to leave him in his crate all day but of course i could never do that! :) hes just little and i am still learning lol
It sounds completely normal. From his point of view, what you just typed was "He herds moving things! He eats yummy stuff! He bites toys! He's worried about big mean adult dogs! He's teething! He's not housebroken yet even though he's a toddler!"

None of those are behavioral "problems" and none of them are signs that he's disobeying you. Most of them stem from a lack of better things to do. If you give him stuff to chew that's so amazing that he can barely contain himself (big raw knuckle bones, stuffed Kongs, etc.) he's going to leave the boring stuff like clothes alone. If you don't let him play with your hands, he won't bite them. If you give the cats a place to get away and up high so he can't chase them along the ground, he'll stop chasing them.

Corgis are herding dogs. Just because they're often house pets instead does not mean that they will disobey their good herding brains. Moving things WILL be chased. Things that flap around (like hands while playing) WILL be bitten. I'd be disappointed in him if he didn't! And he's at the age where his molars are killing him and he MUST chew and chew a heck of a lot.

Exercise, exercise, exercise - an hour may not be enough for him; he may need two or more - tons of allowed chew items, separate him from the cats and the cat box, get the blanket off the floor.

And yes, you may have noticed that nothing in the above list is about HIM. It's all about YOU. Welcome to the joys of being a corgi owner :). They require a lot, but they give you a lot in return.
very true, guess i was just upset yesterday i wasnt really thinking straight. the cats are able to get away from him for a bit but as soon as they come in the house they must run for dear life. i even put a leach on him and told him to lay down so the cats could walk by and was rewarding for the good behavior and correcting the lunging, etc. i know that he is a herding dog and thats his instinct but i was just hoping to kind keep in check, do u know what i mean?? when we did have our other dog he got to play all the time so like u said he may need more than an hour walk and run in the field. the only time he has peed in the house since he was 4months was when the blanket fell off the bed by him pulling on it and then just laid there and peed. thought that was odd since i just took him out.

i do have lots of kong toys, i put chicken and cheese in it since its his favorite and i also have bones for him to chew but not sure what got into him this past week. like i said i have never had him do this before so i was a bit worried. i got some advice on how to stop the biting and things and they have worked. i have never let him get away with anything since i know things will get worse if not corrected. he does listen to me when i ask him and praise him on everything he does well. hes a good dog but maybe he just got really bored?? have u ever had that problem when your dogs meet your corgis? he dosnt growl or anything he just gets scared
Most dogs go through a stage, somewhere between 6 months and 18 months, where they realize they don't HAVE to listen to you. They start testing boundaries, and there have been some major changes in your home which probably have exacerbated this normal transition period.

The biggest thing to remember is that at this age, he is not old enough to be trusted out of your sight! If you are not there to watch him, he should still be confined to a safe area where he can't get to things to chew on. If you leave things on the floor that he can reach, then you are setting him up for trouble. Habits started out of boredom while dogs are puppies can become ingrained behaviors that are very difficult to correct later on. So for example, instead of training Jack not to unroll the toilet paper or steal things from the garbage, we just kept the bathroom door closed until he was old enough to not just wander around looking for stuff to get into.

If he nips your hands, end the game. Turn around, cross your arms over your chest, tilt your chin up like you're the biggest snob at school :-) and ignore him for thirty seconds. When he wanders off and does something else, calmly resume the game.

You will probably not stop him eating from the cat box now he's discovered it. You can try "baiting" it with something nasty-tasting if that method appeals to you, but personally we have gated off part of our upstairs hallway, including two bedrooms. The cat can get in, the dog can't, and that way litterbox and cat food are safely away from the dogs. It also doubles as a "safe area" for the cat to go to if she doesn't want to interact with the dogs.

Most importantly, at this stage you want to teach him how much fun life is when he obeys you. Corrections should be at a bare minimum still at this age. Make him realize that all good things come to polite dogs. Ask him to sit before you put down the food bowl, ask for a short down-stay before you through a tennis ball, talk to him in a cheery, upbeat voice when you are training, and praise him to the high heavens when he is good. Like I said, this is the age when they realize they don't have to listen to you, so you need to make them really really WANT to listen to you.

Good luck! We've all been there.
thank u i really appreciate it:) i have always maid him do some commands before i give him the food, he dosnt get anything unless he does somthing for me first. even when hes super excited for his breakfast, he knows he must wait patently, do some tricks then he gets the food. same thing for the ball when we play. i will throw it and he will bring it to me but he drops it in my hand and sits or lays down. hes always been good with that its just when we r wrestling around he uses his teeth and it leaves marks all over lol i tried be the snobb last night:) and it did work but then he just laid on his back panting like "ok im done anyways" lol but even so i was able to teach him a new trick so it worked out. i have always praised him when he is good, especially when he lays down and lets all the kids in the neighbor hood pet him. and that is a good point to shut the bathroom door for now on guess im still learning lol this was the 1st time hes ever done it so i now will keep it closed. as for the cat box im thinking i should get a baby gate:) thanks again!
I will only address the cat box, as everyone else is doing such a good job on the terrible twos! Our dogs are 9 and still thinks that kitty rocha is a delictable delight. We have a covered cat box, and had to place very large and heavy plants around it so the little rascals could not get to the box and tip it over! Before I had the box baracaeded, I just stepped outside for an instant, came in and they had the box in the middle of the room (away from the wall) and had tipped it over and were having another meal, They were in corgi heaven! may have to do more than cover the box, you may need to create a baracade, which makes it a real chore to clean the box. Good luck!
thank u lol i wouldnt like to have that happen! i did try putting it in the kitchen but then i cant catch him in the act of eating the poo, so i put it more out in the open. i did try putting things around it but he would just stick his head in the box and have a good ol time lol so im thinking of getting a baby gate
I don't have a cat, so this isn't based on experience, but cats can jump quite high and whatnot, and corgi's can not, so would it be possible to just put the litterbox somewhere out of reach from the dog? Like a stool, small table or something accessible to the cat, but out of the dogs reach?
i have done that before but it looks kinda funny lol and the cats were a little confused. im not sure how to train a cat but i bet i can go up there with some treats:)


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