i just got done dropping teddy and scout off at the baby sitters. that was so hard to do and watch teddy see me leave and the look in his eyes as "mom, where are u going?! why cant i go with u ?!!" this will be the first time i have left him. he has always been at my side and i know ill be having fun in dc but i also know that i will miss teddy and will always be thinking "o hes gonna love this! i wonder what he will think of this or o if only my teddy was here!" has anyone else ever felt this way? as soon as i came home i left my shoes on and went into the bedroom to let him out to go potty and...he wasnt there.. its so engraved into my head as thats the 1st thing i do when i get home.

im alittle worried though, the lady is really nice but cant walk very much so he has to wait till the daughter gets home for his walk and there is a boxer who keeps running at teddy pouncing on his back! im so worried that he will hurt him really bad. hes done its 7times while we were there and he yelped. the boxer also flung him, i wasnt to happy and they finally put him in his crate. but he does love the Chihuahua that is there(the nicest one i have ever meet lol) teddy isnt to fond of dogs in the 1st place so now im also afraid this will make him fear dogs from now on.

i left them i huge list of things not to let him do and his schedule, my blanket, toys. i know dogs dont think like "humans" but i just hope that he dosnt think i abandoned him

sorry im just a worried 1st time mommy =''('' im so used to having my teddy bear next to me, i miss his cuddles and corgi snuggles

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I think it's harder on us but Wynn manages to "get back "at me when I'm gone...he ignores me and pouts! I think many of us feel like this, I do even if mine are at home with my husband, I will call and say "did you remember to...." it's hard! He'll probably have a great time!
I sure hope so! Lol. My hubby thinks I'm over reacting but I can't help it lol that is cute bt funny that ur corgi pouts. My cats do that but I have never seen a dog do it haha
I know how this feels. I moved to Seattle a while back and had to leave Kota with my mom. I was always calling my mom to see how Kota was doing. I know it sounds bad that I wanted to know more about Kota than my mom, but that's the way I felt. So, I know that they give you those sad "where are you going mom? and Why can't I come with you" eyes. He will be fine. You know how they get all excited when you come out of the bathroom? The think that 2 minutes is the same length of time as 2 weeks. I would let the pet sitter know that you will be calling often to check up on him. I would definitely be calling a lot. lol. Take lots of pictures to show Teddy when you get back. I would be concerned about the Boxer too. It sounds like they might need to be separated. But, I wouldn't worry TOO much about it. I would just call a lot and make sure they know you are concerned about that and make sure they are willing to not make Teddy be in the same area ALL THE TIME if the boxer is being like that. I know it's hard. But, everything will be OK :D hugs from me and Kota
Aww thank u=) I tried not to worry but I'm just that type of person lol I actualy just couldn't stop dreaming of him I miss him so much. I know I will be calling a lot and asked them to take pictures for me. I know what u mean about being in the bathroom and him waiting for u, he just sits there and when I get out he is so exciteed lol it makes me laugh everytime. I just hope that the boxer will calm down and leave him alone. he loves to be with people but dosnt really like to be with big dogs. I bet your mom had fun watching kota=) if my mom were watching him I would be calling all the time lol I will be taking lots of pics and can't wait to take him there, he will have so much fun. Thank u again:)


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