After an overnight stay at Metropolitan Animal Hospital Baron had a set of x-rays of both front legs.  The final diagnosis is a premature closure of the distal ulnar growth plate resulting in elbow dysplasia.  We have 2 options.  1)  medical management with medicam for pain and cosequin for arthritis.  2) surgery to perform an ulnar osteotomy to free the bone and allow it to line up with the distal humerus.  Surgery would give Baron a 70-80% chance of improvement. Right now Baron has moderate discomfort and occasional lameness.  My main concern beside the risks of major surgery is that Baron will have to have complete crate rest for 6 weeks, with only potty breaks.  Has anyone had this surgery done on their corgi?


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If you have the finances to do so, I would probably opt for surgery. I don't like the idea of medicating dogs long-term if it can be avoided. Six weeks of crate rest is minor compared to him being more comfortable for a lifetime. Several people on this site have had ACL tears that needed surgery, and although the crate rest isn't fun, it can be done. Best of luck to you and Baron!
I would opt for the surgery also. If Baron can heal and lead a better less painful life....that would be great!
Sidney JUST had the similar surgery, but in his left hip. His was a femoral head ostectomy; they removed the head of his left femur, making the ball and socket joint into a floating joint. Instead of moderate discomfort and occasional lameness tha Baron has, Sidney's was a sudden intense pain and complete lameness, since his hip was completely dislocated.

Sidney had the surgery a week ago, and he came home the next day. His surgery requires 2 weeks being penned up, so he's halfway there. It seemed really daunting at first, but as each day passes and he gets closer to "freedom day", the outlook is much better. I guess Baron's "confinement" would be longer since it is the front legs, and doing both of them at the same time.

Baron is very young, right? Sidney is only three, so we decided for the surgery. I could not imagine leaving him in pain and medicated for the rest of his life. It was heartbreaking and agonizing (if you could have seen me the morning we dropped him off!), but now that it's done I know we made the right decision. He's still moving on three legs, but I understand this is normal. He'll learn to use the other leg again in time. More importantly he's not in constant pain anymore.

Poor Baron, but he's so lucky to have such caring owners!
Update on Baron. My husband says that we cannot afford $3000.00 right now for the surgery. I feel like such a bad puppy mom. The only good news is that he only has to have pain meds if he overdoes himself. He has had 2 doses since the beginning of August and they were after he came home from the dog hospital for his tests.
It sounds very managable right now and that is good. I think most people would have a problem coming up with that kind of $$$$, you are not a bad mommy!!!!! That's not often for the pain meds!
Whew, it's good that his pain is so manageable! That is great news. Give Baron a hug from me :)
That is a lot to come up with! Lucky had surgery for IVDD 4 years ago, he was completely paralyzed and we had 12 hours. Luckily we had just sold our house and used some of that money (was $3000 at the time) If he does well on the pain meds, i would make sure that you don't let him over do it. start a savings account for his surgery now, I am assuming that he will need it down the road? Good Luck!
I'm starting to put all of my overtime money into a Baron account. Minus the money I spend on Toys and goodies for the boy. I gave Baron a big hug and kiss from Geri and Sidney. Thanks for the support.
That's a good idea. : )

Our Soffie had a partial tear of her acl (back left) a year ago. Even though we have insurance, we opted to use "CM" (conservative management), rather than surgery. My friend Dawn is a "researcher". My family refers to her affectionately as "snoopdog". She found many websites that offered great information that supported "CM". When we met with the orthopedic specialist to consult about our options she (the specialist) supported the information Dawn had found on CM. We talked extensively about surgery vs. CM and in the end we opted for CM, leaving surgery as an option if CM didn't work.

So, we puchased a ramp (no stairs) we purchased a pen (keep her confined [ I think Geri has one for Sidney]) and off we ventured on "CM" Here is the reason we opted for CM. End result.... Arthritis!! Either way, with surgery or with CM arthritis setting in is the prognosis. Risk.... surgery is always a risk! And lastly, Soffie had a partial tear of the acl not a total rupture. BUT let me just restate..... the bottom line of all the options is result ='s Arthritis!!

It's been 1 year and 2 months since Soffie's injury. Today she is 11 pounds lighter (she weighed 39lbs at the time of her injury) She still takes Cosequin DS twice a day. But she is a happy, healthy, chases her brother Griffyn all over the place, 4 year old little girl! And... we're happy with our decision to stick with CM. Oh, And .... no pain meds!!!

Baron is young. In my opinion (strictly amatuer) I think you may have success with conservative management. But I also think that down the road surgery may be an option for him because what he has is different from an acl tear. So I think it is a wise decision for you to start setting aside some $$$ for that. But in the mean time, do your research. Find out all the good things you can do for Baron to keep him strong and relatively if not completely pain free.

And .... keep him at his optimal weight!!!! It will be one of the most important things you do for him!

Hugs and Corgi Wags to you and Baron!
Thanks Judi. We are also thinking of trying accupuncture along with cosequin. I have been researching this since he was diagnosed with his regular vet and also came up with the same decision that you did. My husband agreed that if CM does not work and he starts to have a lesser quality of life we will go with the surgery. I hope to have the money saved up by that time.
Ramps are relatively easy to make, Lucky has one that Mike built for our front steps. Make sure it is not too steep. The pen is a good idea also.
How old is he now? There's a lot of anecdotal data in corgis that you can have a slower growth in the leg but it eventually catches up and the discongruity in the elbow will partially or totally resolve. If he's still a baby, let him finish growing before you panic. Many, MANY corgis have angular limb deformities from growth plate injuries and most manage pretty dang well, no surgery needed.


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