i just dont why he is doing this weird behavior when i am gone! teddy is such a quiet respective dog who knows the rules at the house and dosnt even dare do anything while i am there. heck he dosnt even bark at the door when people are there because i taught him as a pup that is one of the rules. all i do is look at him but what i dont get is when i leave he gets in to everything!! he acts like i dont feed him half the time. i have always crated him but since he is almost a year old i thought he would be fine. well heres two stories since i moved in here:

1: me and my hubby wanted to spend time together and wanted to see a bit more of the city and when i asked teddy to "go to bed" he looked at me as if saying "but i am a big guy now.." so my husband said just let him be, he will be fine. i left him a kong full of cheese and a new raw hid bone. two hours later he was in the same spot but..tore of the wall papper, dry wall and made a huge whole..i couldnt believe it and punished him for it(nothing harsh) and put him to bed. thank fully anything that happens to the house since its on base is free so they fixed it the next day 

2:teddy was bored so i decided to go to the store, mind u its a 10min walk there and back. i left thinking of what i could get to keep him and my kittys busy since it is going to rain for a few days. i got him a new collar, stuffed duck, beef knee caps to chew, rubber bone and the kittys a scratching post and some cat nip. i was excited to give teddy his new toys but when i walked in i saw him cowering in the corner...he has gotten on top of the table(which i had no idea that he could do that!!!) and eaten 4 whole bananas!! i just couldnt believe it.  he peed because he knew he was in trouble, i punished him and now hes in bed(he went there him self) needless to say he is not getting any dinner.

so is that many bananas bad for him?? and does anyone know why he is being such a butt head?! lol 

and if i am gone for even 2mins he chews up anything that is paper 

i attached a pic. not the best but u get the idea:)

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My dog went through a phase of tearing up paper when I left, he never chewed anything else, just paper. He has grown out of it (he's about 2 now). What I did for a while was put a paper bag down in the kitchen or living room and that way he'd chew that up and not any of my important stuff. Unfortunatley punishing him does no good. He doesn't understand what he did a few minutes/hours ago is what he is getting in trouble for, all he knows is you came home from leaving him alone, he got in trouble (he probably thinks its because you came home), and was put in his crate (which will now be associated with punishment and not his safe place). Its incredibly frustrating but you really can't punish unless they are in the act of comitting the behavior. Since he has proved he can't be left out of his crate either a) crate him when you leave or b) start by leaving him and going outside the door for 2 or 3 minutes, come back in and give him a treat. Do this once or twice in a day, and every couple days extend the time you leave....5 minutes, 8 minutes, 10 minutes....then he will learn when you leave and come back its not a big deal. Also, when you do start leaving him for longer amounts of time confine him to a single room or x pen to keep him from getting into trouble, as he learns to behave you can give him larger and larger areas when he is alone
thank you:), dont get me wrong he is very happy when i get home and everything its just when ever he would do something like that thats when he would act in that certain way. when i punished him all i did was show him the mess and told him no. he would then by him self go in his crate and i would leave him there until he was ready to come out. i will try that method so he knows that him being good is rewarding. it is frustrating that he doesnt know what he did but at least he didnt get into anything dangerous while i was away
Hi Rebecca, the short answer is Teddy is still young. He'll be more reliable by 2 or 3 with proper daily training.

Any type of "punishment" while "not" caught in the act is pointless. Yes, he did hear you before and knows that those behaviour are not acceptable, but he's still going to do it because you're not there.

It is the same as human babies, you supervise them because they are too young to be trusted. The only thing you can do is practice practice practice. Don't set Teddy up for failure, make it easy for him and help him to succeed. Give it time and have realistic expectation.

A medium size dog needs about 25mg of potassium daily, 1 banana is about 450mg, so 4 is definitely a bit much, if he show signs of muscle weakness or starts vomiting, take him to emergency immediately.
thank you sam, i am happy to report that he is doing well and even has normal poop. he is smart but is still young so crating is definitely a must for right now. before i left i made sure that there was nothing he could grab, i even went on fours to make sure but i guess the dinning room table isnt safe any more. i sill cant believe he got up on it! he was determined to get to the bananas
Tegan shredded up my entire biology lab note book one time when I left him alone. I think he was angry with me. It sounds like teddy is young, and has a very deep bond to you so he is acting out when you leave. Tegan is the same way, SO respectful of everything, like I can leave a dish of food on the floor and he won't touch it if he knows it's mine as long as I am home, but the SECOND I am gone if there is something to get into he will try. Corgis are smart, they will do it if they think they can get away with it, even if they are well behaved/trained.
I think with more time Teddy will get better though :) I don't know what I'd have done if Tegan ate a hole in the wall :-O haha that's bad!
as far as the bananas go- make sure he has plenty of water cause that's A LOT of potassium intake for a little dog and he'll need to flush it out with plenty of water.
thank you:) we really do have a strong bond. everywhere i go he is right there at my heels lol im glad you can to what i am saying, not meaning im glad that he tore up your biology note book but that you know what i mean :) i am sorry he did that, it can be so frustrating when they tear up something like that. i do have to say when me and my husband seen the hole we flipped but then my husband said "we are on base, they will fix it for free. lets just calm down" it was hard to but he had a point haha and the bananas was just crazy to me, why bananas?? i couldnt believe he got on the table for that. im glad he didnt get the milkey ways but still. but he has been drinking a ton of water and is doing very well:) been keeping a close eye on him and making sure i dont keep anything on the table now. you are right about them being smart, he sure fooled me into thinking he was innocent and could be left alone. o well, i have learned my lesson and will make sure to crate him while i am away so he will be safe:)
i was actually surprised my self! lol he even left the sticker alone which helped me not worry so much. it does seem no matter how much exercise i give him, if i give him an opportunity he will take it to get some food lol
I am very impressed too, lol!
Sage just chewed up my checkbook from work...I feel like a little kid having to tell the teacher what happened. She is the only dog of mine that has been so consistant with the chewing! She is 9 months old and a very nice sweet challenge:)
aw i am sorry that she is chewing! that can be very frustrating especially when its your check book
Brodie can always be trusted in the house, Lilly not so much. She goes for the fabric thing... pillows, throw cover on the couch, etc. So we just decided that if they need to be inside while we are gone, she goes in her kennel. She doesn't seem to mind, loves her kennel so she'll just run right in. As for the bananas... what a smart boy to peel them! I don't think there should be any issues with eating bananas, maybe a tummy ache with that amount but shouldn't have any serious issues.
he surprisingly didnt have any problems, not even runny poos! looking back i do have to laugh because you are right, at lest he peeled the peelings off! that was pretty smart of him:) and same thing with the kennel, teddy just runs in there to even just relax and chew his bone so its ok that he can be in his kennel when we go somewhere


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