Im stumped!   This week Carly has decided to run every time i come to her with the leash... 
I guess i caused it because i have had to leash her to get her in the crate a couple of times ..I only put her in there to sleep at night.
 Tonight at the dog park i knew she was ready to go home becasue when shes ready she jumps on me, well i get the leash and she darts off... for several minutes! Ive also had this problem this week when i try to take her on walks and she loves to go walking..  i dont know whats going on..

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You may need to just put the leash on and take it off in the house over and over, do this multiple times a day so she starts to realize the leash doesn't really mean anything. Also at the dogpark call her over and leash her up, give her a treat, then let her go. Its basically just a matter of desensitizing her to the leash. Franklin used to HATE his collar for the same reasons you've stated and it was just a lot of playing, putting on and taking off, and treats and he is totally over is collar issues now.
great advise!! why in the world do they have these issues?
Try a treat every time you bring the leash out. She will get over it. I have leashed mine when they are in trouble for something in the house but because they love their walks (2/3 a day) they still always come running when I bring the leashes out. A few times when my husband was home and did not want to go on the walk Sparty decided not to come so I left him home. After 2 times he never did that again!
My Lilli has always had leash/collar issues. Don't know why. She's spooked by anything that looks like a collar, even a collar still in its store packaging. When I bring out the leash for walkies, she is SO conflicted. You can see how badly she wants to come with me, but also how badly she wants to avoid that leash. She circles around the house to approach me and the door from different directions. I've found that if I let her scoot thru the door unleashed I can grab her collar and hook her up in the garage. Then she's fine with it. No more problems. Of course, I don't pull on the leash, just use short tugs and verbal commands. And try not to let the shadow of the leash (or another dog's) fall across her.

Do you think corgis are superstitious?

Oddly enough, after an hour or so at the dog park, when she's tired, she lets me leash her. Hmmm. Go figure.
all is well today :))) were working on these tips you all gave me thanks!!
Another thing to do is throw a treat into her crate and say "Go to your crate." That way she knows every time she goes to her crate she gets a treat, and you won't have to use the leash and give it bad vibes.


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