I was reading the post about Charlotte and Stanley and was going to reply but then realized it's a bit more different since I think she picked this behavior up from the Lab. My Harlequin is the same age as Charlotte and was kind of the same with her eating when we first brought her home. I feed Harlequin in my room at her own time while Aurora, my mom's lab, eats downstairs at a
certain time.


A couple weeks ago though, I was downstairs with Harlequin during Aurora's feeding time. She obviously ran for the food cause she is a chowhound in every since of the word.
Aurora snapped at her. Aurora has also snapped at Harlequin when she
goes over near her while chewing a bone. I, of course, tell Aurora "NO!"
and take the bone away.


I can take Harlequin's food bowl away while she is eating, I can take bones away, I can take toys away. She has no problem! However.......


I was SO excited for Puppies first Christmas! My boyfriend got her a pork bone to chew on. She was SO excited! She even did the little dance she does. I give it to her and everything was fine. I petted her while she chewed but then I began to open presents. Our lab had already snapped at her PREVIOUSLY before I gave Harlequin the pork bone. I reach over after a bit to pet Harlequin and she begins to SNARL at me! I told her no and took away the bone. Waited about an hour, brought her upstairs and tried again. She was fine in the beginning. She let me take it, touch her... no snarls. I let her chew for 5mins on it and I go, "Okay Harley! Gives it to Momma so you can go in your crate!" SSNNARRRRLLLLLLL... I took the bone away again. This time I'm not letting her have it.


What did I do wrong? =/


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My trainer has said that you need to make a trade - give a small treat for giving it to you. It's a learning process - give the bone and immediately take it away in exchange for a small nummy treat, say " good", give bone back, wait another minute, repeat. 

Good luck!
Use it with the "drop it" or "leave it" command. Don't just take from her mouth either as that will make her more protective.
I never just take it from her... i'd say leave it and she just snarls :( it's mad me a sad panda this Christmas 
Some times I think we may expect too much from them (OK all you people with really well trained pups don't shoot me). If I give mine a really high value treat I leave them alone with it and do not let the other dogs take the slow one's item. If I really need to take it I trade for a small dog treat. I know I would not like it if I had a really great piece of dark chocolate with almonds in it and some one kept taking it from me!


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