I went on vacation for 3 days, with a family member watching my dogs. When I got back on Thursday (3 days ago), I noticed that Mango's butt was covered in her business. That was definitely disconcerting, but I didn't think it was cause for alarm. Later that night, I noticed that she was reluctant to come to me when I called, and tried to stay in a corner all night.

The next day, I attempted to play with her, and was shocked to discover that she had no strength left in her rear. She could still move herself around, but only with great effort. The vet was unsure (not a great vet and my usual one was closed for the holidays), but tentatively said it may be IVDD. Now Mango is not even 2 years old yet, so it was a little shocking to hear this. She is also not grotesquely overweight, maybe one or two pounds. 

She was on crate rest all of yesterday, and this morning when I woke up, she was perfectly normal. My parents had let her out into the backyard, and she was running around like the dog she was a week ago. She was running normally, not even any "bunny hops". The only change from her normal behavior was another stain on her butt, and slightly more aggressive behavior (snapping and growling once or twice at me).

Tonight, I was horrified to discovered that my mom had given Mango a cooked pork bone before we left for vacation. Not just any ol' bone, but a LARGE one. 

Sorry for the long essay, but what do you guys think? IVDD, bone fragments from the pork bone, or maybe just some constipation? I'm at a loss here... We are definitely going to the vet tomorrow but I would like to hear some opinions from seasoned corgi mommies and daddies. 

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It can be hard for a layperson to tell if a dog's reluctance to move is weakness or pain, so I agree it could be a back problem or a bone problem.  I would definitely want her checked for partial obstructions if it were me.

Sorry poor Mango is having problems.  Please keep us posted!

She is probably having difficulty passing the bone fragments. That would cause diarrhea and stomach pain. The vet will be able to tell you what to do and it sounds like Mom should pay the bill. No bones for the dog! Hope Mango is fine soon.
I agree with Beth, have her checked for a partial obstruction. I am very experienced with partial obstructions (no full ones yet, knock on wood!). Franklin has had his fair share of vet visits and x-rays due to partial obstructions. They present in many ways, but often your pup will have diarrhea (hence the stained bottom) and may vomit once or twice depending on where the obstruction is, like if it is in the stomach and covers the pyloric sphincter blocking food going out of the stomach you will see vomiting. If it is in her intestine and SLOWLY passing along, or stopped all together, there will definately be pain. Worth having your normal vet palpate her abdomen and go over symptoms with you. Another thing, when I had a German Shepherd puppy, her play drive was SO HIGH, one time we had some friends watching her and they played keep away with her for what must have been HOURS. She literally could not move or get up for almost 2 days from over exerting herself. Maybe Mango is sore and weak from too much play?

Thank you so much for the replies!!

I went to the vet the day after, and she verified that Mango was blocked up from the pork bone.

Thankfully, it had nearly all passed through, so she was perfectly fine.


Sorry I couldn't get back sooner, you guys were great help (:

So very happy to read your latest post and that Mango is fine!  Whew!!  What a relief!!


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