Ashley Kelty
  • Female
  • Louisville, KY
  • United States
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Ashley Kelty's Friends

  • Sam and Finley
  • Riley Wilson
  • Murphy Brutus Heidorf
  • Tasha and Pepper
  • noel lutchkus
  • Tobias, Meiko, & Marshall
  • Rachel
  • the Doaks

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Free sample of Happy Dog Food

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sarah, Sadie & Dexter Jul 25, 2009. 10 Replies

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Louisville, KY
About Me:
My name is Ashley! I'm 24 (25 in December), I work for the Kentucky Humane Society, and I am happily married to my wonderful husband, Brent! We have been married for less than a year, and are thus newlyweds! We don't have any children (we want to wait until we are more financially stable), so we dote our affection and love on our Corgi, Miso, and our kitty, Isis!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I only have one corgi, and she is my baby! Her name is Miso Soup, and she is a total sweetheart! She gets extremely excited to meet new people when we're outside taking her on her walks, and she seems equally excited to meet new dogs! She's got her potty training down pretty well, and in another month or two I think she'll have it down completely!

Miso has proved what a smart girl she is, picking up her tricks relatively quickly! Eventually, I'm going to take her to a puppy kindergarten, so I can teach her a few more manners and get some professional assistance to back up the training I have already given her.

I have:

Ashley Kelty's Blog

Chewing problem!

Posted on August 10, 2009 at 12:06am 5 Comments

Miso is in BIG TROUBLE right now. She's been chewing paper lately. Or anything she can get her mouth on. First, she chewed on the phone book. That wasn't so bad, aside from a bit of slobber and a piece of the first few pages chewed out. What she's in BIG TROUBLE for is getting into daddy's DVD collection, selecting his Venture Brothers. CD (his pride and joy among his DVDs, oft rewatched), and chewing up the cardboard cover. Needless to say, he is extremely angry now. The DVD… Continue

Smart a lesson with a cow hoof!

Posted on July 13, 2009 at 1:48am 0 Comments

Miso is such a smarty girl! I've been trying to teach her a few tricks of late, and for a while, it seemed like she really wasn't connecting or learning anything. It was so frustrating, I was worried that she would never learn!

Well, yesterday I pulled out the only treats she eats fast enough to train with, and the clicker. She decided to show me just how smart she is! She showed me that my attempts at teaching her to shake were not in vain, shaking on command! She also knows how to… Continue

Good things, good things.

Posted on July 10, 2009 at 1:49pm 6 Comments

So, Miso gets her last set of shots next week! Well, it's not a set, it's just her Bordetella (Kennel Cough) vaccine! Then she'll be fine until we go get her fixed!

She's been doing really well lately. We let her run around even more, now that she's starting to grow up a bit and is taking lessons a bit more seriously (We're lucky that the couch she likes to pull stuffing out of came like that...still a comfy couch nonetheless!). She's doing great with her potty training, for the most… Continue

Bath Time

Posted on June 28, 2009 at 11:54pm 5 Comments

I swear, Miso is the EASIEST puppy to please. So I just used the pedi-paws on her. She HATES that. To make up for it...I gave her a bath. Now, to some dogs, this would just be salt in the wound, you know?

Not for Miso. Miso LOVES bath time. She jumps around, attacks the water, and all around goes crazy. I tend to get soaking wet when I do bathe her, but it's worth it for the hilarity, and to see the fun she has. She slips sometimes, but gets right back up and goes back to attacking… Continue

Pee. (TMI maybe?)

Posted on June 23, 2009 at 4:11pm 2 Comments

Miso was doing REALLY good at crate training, didn't have any problems ever...then, last night, she went potty in her kennel (right when I was about to go to bed). She got a bath, and her kennel got scrubbed down good with some stain and odor remover, same goes for her toys. When I go to take her out, right as I'm opening the door she piddles on the carpet (REMINDER TO SELF: Shampoo carpet!) I get woken up this morning to my husband telling me that she's peed in her kennel, AGAIN. So I clean it… Continue

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At 10:09pm on July 29, 2010, Zach and Lisa said…
I work at petsmart and I think I called you today about getting groomed! Sorry you had a bad experience last time. But I was wondering if the Miso i was calling was the same one from here and it is! I thought about asking but I didn't want to sound ridiculous if you weren't the same one. Anyways maybe we could get a corgi meetup going in the area. Would you be game?
At 11:01am on May 6, 2010, Zach and Lisa said…
I noticed you work at the Humane Society in Louisville. I was really hoping I would be able to get a full time job when we move there early June. Any suggestions?
At 12:54am on October 15, 2009, Sam and Finley said…
Hey Ashley! Thanks for making your "mismarks" group! I love seeing all the different corgi designs!
Miso is soooo cute!! And she has a great name.
I saw your status and looked up the "furminator"! Does it really work that well? I am sure Finn will start shedding soon, especially once winter is over.
At 10:12am on September 23, 2009, the Doaks said…
I totally understand. The time will come eventually :). The dog show was a lot of fun, though...and there were 3 other corgis there. Dante was longer and bigger than any of I have a feeling he's going to end up a big boy! One of the corgis competed in the "best costume" competition and went as a lobster. It was too funny. Have a great week!
At 8:17pm on September 10, 2009, Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver said…
Hi Ashley - Lizzie's bday cake came from a bakery here in FL.. it is called : Her party was lots of fun and as you can see she loved the cake!
At 12:50pm on September 10, 2009, the Doaks said…
YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY! Sorry, I am just excited. I am teaching at school and I saw your message and I got happy. Dante needs to meet another corgi really bad! I am not sure if it is too late to enter, but there is a website if you search "middletown family fun festival." Our contest is at 10:00 A.M. there in Weatherby Park on Old Shelbyville Rd. We'll be there at 8:30 for may have to register before, I am not sure. Dante would love some competition! I hope you're able to make it...if you do, I know I'll see you there!
At 11:09am on September 10, 2009, Tasha and Pepper said…
LOL! Very cute, even more unique. So, maybe sometime we could get our pups together for a corgi playdate. Pepper loves to run and play, thats just about all her brain runs on:)
At 1:36pm on August 29, 2009, the Doaks said…
Here is a link to it:

We would be there around 9-10 on September 12th (Sat. morning)
At 1:34pm on August 29, 2009, the Doaks said…
Hi Ashley! I know you said that you are sometimes busy on the weekends, but in a couple of weeks there is a Middletown dog festival in Middletown at a local park there. I have entered Dante in the cutest puppy contest. Just wanted to let you know we'd be there if you want to meet, if not we'll find some other time I'm sure. I hope all is well with you! Dante's neutering all went well...he's up to 25 pounds now...quite the chunker!
At 7:49pm on August 20, 2009, Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver said…
miso is super cute!

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