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About Me:
We just recently adopted a corgi puppy! I have wanted a corgi since I saw them on TV when I was in 6th grade. Hana(corgi puppy) is our 2nd corgi since our 1st one passed away of illness 2 years ago. It is very exciting to have corgi as part of our lives.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Hana is our Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy. She is laid back and fun loving puppy. She is attending her puppy class and doing well.
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Hana's Blog

14 weeks old

Posted on August 25, 2010 at 10:06am 2 Comments

Hana is loosing her soft "puppy fur"... I am excited that she is healthy and growing, but I loved her soft "puppy fur" and it is almost gone : /p>

3rd week

Posted on August 3, 2010 at 10:47am 3 Comments

This is her 3rd week Hana has been with us. Last week, went and got 12 weeks shots @ vet. As soon as we entered the office, she starts shaking...don't know whether she knows it is the "scary" vet's office, but after couple of treats she calmed down. Good thing she could be easily bribed. She checked out great...she is now 10+lbs.…


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At 7:29pm on June 14, 2011, Jane Christensen said…
The cat just wants you to by the kitty Taste of the Wild:)
At 6:23pm on June 8, 2011, Jane Christensen said…

Well this story starts about 5 years ago. I had been feeding Premium Edge which I really liked for several of those years but I guess that the plant that it is made in also produces the cheaper Diamond food brands and there is speculation whether there was melimine(sp) in the food. This highers the protein content and was also the culprit in several baby deaths a few years ago as some had gotten in (Nestle, I believe) baby formula.

Cannidae all life stages is also produced in the same plant so no one can be certain if any "gets into" the food.


Taste of the Wild is also made by  Diamond Foods but not in the same plant and so it is good. Of coarse you won't see this on the newa but thanks to MyCorgi you find out things like this.  Ifeed mine a handful 3 times a day and they seem satisfied. For some reason when I tried the Chicken Soup I always felt they wanted more....can't explain why.


There was just a discussion on dog treats and this same chemical came up with buying treat not made in the USA. I couldn't find it though.



At 4:11pm on June 7, 2011, Jane Christensen said…
Stay on a lower protein till at least 18 months. The lagre breed would be what I suggest and then switch. Sage is 15 months and I will keep her on the lower protein till at least then:) Thjen higher is good but Sage is still growing or should I say "filling out".
At 5:45pm on June 6, 2011, Jane Christensen said…

Actually Chicken Soup is a good brand and so if she likes it I would keep her on it. I would put her on the large puppy breed if they have it. I tried it with mine and they liked it but I felt like I had to feed them more...not sure why but they seemed more hungry.


Is it hot there today? It's 97 here!

At 4:28pm on June 3, 2011, Jane Christensen said…

Hi!  I recommend Taste of the Wild. (Sorry I don't remember what Hana is getting) and either the Sierra Mountain cannine or the salmon because she still needs the lower protein. What is nice about this is that she never has to switch foods (because it's all life stages) but when she reaches 18 months she can have the other 3 kinds also. This is grain free and I feed all of mine 1/2 cup 3 times a day. So 1 1/2 cups. I trade off mine and thery love every flavor.

You might be able to find some samples at the pet store...sometimes we have them at ours.


Let me know if you don't want this and I can suggest a couple others.

At 12:30pm on December 23, 2010, John Wolff said…
I love corgi tails.
At 12:00am on October 13, 2010, Jane Christensen said…
Congratulations Hana...if you were as good in class as bella you human momma should be proud!

I will let you know about Ren Fest next year that would be great and maybe Artemis and her family could meet us too! we could have a Ren Fest family reunion!
At 1:38am on October 6, 2010, Jane Christensen said…
So when is your birthday??????
At 12:23pm on September 23, 2010, Paige, Dexter & Violet said…
Hana is adorable! Do you ever participate in Corgi events in MN? Dexter and I would love to join you!
At 12:13am on September 16, 2010, Jane Christensen said…
I only use flea meds if they get fleas which is maybe every 3 years if that often. I have used it occasionally if they have ticks bad but I use it one time as it works for 30 days. I just use frontline and haven't had a problem with it. I figure the least amount of pesticides the better....for us too! Heartworm I give until Nov. or so then I quite till April or so. I know they want to sell it but thats another chemical they need!

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