I know it's been asked a million times, but here we go again!


Winnie is probably considered a 'powerful chewer' and she's teething right now. She's almost 5 months old.


My parents bought her a Hugglehound which she loved, but ended up destroying an arm, leg, and ear, and some of the rubber around an ear was separating so to the garbage it went.


She's been using the Nylabone teething rings, but is slowly getting bored with that, a nylon canvas bone, and a rope ball.


Yesterday I went to Petco and picked up a Kong Dental Stick, a Petco "jaw gym" (rubber circle, solid looks braided), a couple nylabone dura chews, and a Tuffy JR ring. The Jaw Gym had chunks about to come out in about 10-15 min (the sales associate highly recommended it and said it lasted many customers months), the dental stick had a piece off of it as soon as it went into her mouth. After taking the tags off of the Tuffy I saw that it's not a chew toy, so I'm thinking about returning that too. She went bonkers over the flavoured nylabone. She has a puppy kong, but doesn't go for it unless there's food in it.


My husband found this online MuttMops. Anyone have any experience with these? It says they'll return your money if it doesn't work out. Anything else you can recommend for a teething puppy that will last her a while?

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I used to fill a white gym sock with ice cubes, tie a knot, throw it around and let her chew on it.  It's a bit messy when it thaws but my floors are stone tile and outside on the patio it's good.  There are some toys you can buy and freeze, but this was less expensive.
btw, she is just ADORABLE!!!
Thanks! We don't have a lot of room for messy treats. She gets ice cubes but in her crate.
Last a while? LOL!!!!! Been going throughthis with Sparky lately. The only thing I have found is Antlers and Kongs. Knotted ropes last a little while. Everything else gets destroyed within minutes. When he was that age, I made veggie pops for him. I put mixed frozen veggies in ice trays, filled with water, froze and gave them to him to help his gums and be nutritious. Good luck on your quest. If/when you find something that works, let us know.
I know it's a tall request, but we can't afford to replace her toys every day/week. At this point I'm thinking I might even try to get to a Salvation army and pick up some jeans I can cut up and knot.
I just looked at your profile, yes, she is a cutey. I'm originally from the northwest side. Went to school out in the western burbs. Got smart and moved to Florida.
haha and we moved from FL!
And I want to move back to Florida!   Phoenix is too darn hot!

Deer antlers! Raw bones! (Limit these-- too much bone could cause constipation/blockage).


Nylabones, regular ones.  Not necessarily the teething rings.


...That's all the advice I have.  x:

My eskimo dog is a powerful chewer (and my vet insists that the breed is not known for chewing, though she should try telling him that :P) and his puppy years were filled with shredded Nylabones and chewed up black Kongs.

In the end, what worked best was what was free: a washcloth. We just pulled out an old washcloth, wet it, and then popped it into the freezer. We let him chew it a couple of times a day (supervised, of course, so he didn't rip off and chew up the cloth) and it seemed to help him out a lot. We still bought the Nylabones (the super tough ones for great danes and other huge dogs) but the washcloth was his favorite.
I like the idea about the washcloth, thanks!

I've never heard of MuttMops but I am sceptical that my Corgi can't destroy every fabric toy. We use the Orka Jack, & Potus has had the robe and ball, though the rope was destroyed in minutes. here's a link: http://www.petstages.com/Revision/dogs-orka-menu.html


I have also heard good things about Planet Dog & their rating system- they rate for what toy should work best for different kind of chewers.


Good luck!


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