I have had corgis for over 20 years but have never had two boys in the house. The last time I had two corgis at the same time they were male and female. My corgi boys have always been very friendly, sweet, and well-mannered with other male dogs of different breeds. We have recently been considering adopting another corgi from a rescue to be big brother to 6 month-old Des. I spoke with a woman recently (who has a corgi rescue) about a 16 month old male corgi. He seemed to be a good match for us but when I told her we had Des she said it was her experience that two male corgis don't do well in the same household. Both are nuetered by the way. I'm wondering what all of your thoughts/experience is on this topic.

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I agree with Bev, it depends on the dog. We have always had 2 males. That said, we have always made sure that they got along before bringing #2 into our home! We did the introductions at a location away from our house. Odie was definately the alpha with Lucky accepting that with no problem. With Lucky and Sonny, there just is no alpha.

Lucky came to our house, because the first house had a male pem and a female cardi. The male would not accept Lucky, so we were the lucky recipients of this sweet thing.
My two boys get along great. Occasionally Guinness, who will be 3 this month, gets a little annoyed at Finnegan, who is 4 months, but he's never been outright mean. Finnegan seems to be taking on the more dominant role, as Guinness has always been on the shy side. We do feed them separately, but mostly because they eat different kinds of food. They play and wrestle a lot, and chase the cat around relentlessly.

I'm sure it depends on the dog. The rescue dog may be a bit more to handle, simply based on how he was raised. If he was abused, he may have food issues, attention issues, etc. It's always hard if you don't know their background, or even if you do know their background and it wasn't a pleasant one. But I'm sure with a lot of love and some patience he'll do just fine!
I'm curious to see what everyone has to say on this topic because we just rescued a male corgi two weeks ago! We have an two and half yr old male at home already....I know of others who have had success with two males in the same household and I'm hoping for the same result! As of right now though [being only two weeks!] they do well on walks together but its a little challenging in the house sometimes...
The thoughts about teh backgrounds and experiences of rescue dogs make sense to me. My 3 guys have been together for quite a while and each new dog was introudced at 8 or 9 weeks. We went through lots of adult training the puppy stuff (as we are with the newest guy, 9 monhts old now) but the 3 of them don't fight at all. The noise level gets intense sometimes but all 3 are talkers, too, so their play is very noisy.

I think that exercising them together is the key to success. I've taken each of mine to an obedience class as a puppy (Ben starts his this saturday, in fact) and then we practice at home. When the newest puppy is learning isomething new, the other guys get a tune up. The practice sessions of walk, sit, stay, etc. are done separately.

The middle child, who is a neutered male 2year old, definitely has the role of policeman in the group. He's the one that worries about everything being done the right way, right place, etc. and he has to be corrected once in a while if he gets too bossy.

Not only are rescue expereinces and personality important in the mix, but the roles they can take on are somethiing to watch, too.
What has been challenging in the household? It will take sometime teaching your new one some rules. Do they each have a place to go that is theirs? Potty training has been an issue with all of my rescues at 1st.Overall my rescues have been great and done very well!
The new one is doing really well. The only thing I know about his history is that he was a stray in Riverside, Ca and that he was in a shelter there for a month, then a rescue org for three weeks before he ended up with us. He's somewhere between the ages of 2-5, and is a very sweet boy thats looking for acceptance. Wally [the first boy] gives him dominant eyes when walking by, and I have to snap him out of it. They both have their own crates, and I'll sometimes catch Wally inside Oliver's crate...So far the Oliver, the rescue is a doll. We're just having challenges with Wally accepting Oliver as a new member of the family. Wally gets possessive about everything that comes between the two of them, even people....I've been told he's acting up out of jealousy....any tips? They've already gotten into a couple of fights...and I think Wally hates Oliver just a little bit for once biting Mommy...Time will improve their relationship I hope.....???


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