Harley has been throwing up since 6:30 this morning. 
It is like a thick white mucus foam. She threw up maybe 4 times in the crate and just now in the car. 
Yeah, I'm using my IPhone and on route 95! Is there anything I can do for her? I offered her food and water earlier after her first few throw ups. she is acting like her normal behavior wise. Got her Corg-attude going on! 

I can't think of anything that may have triggered this... she had a grumbling belly last night, along with stinky burps and farts. My poor baby :( My 3yr old cousin did slip her some carrots from last nights pot roast that my aunt made. And she had been sneaking cat food behind my back as I was making her meals... I don't know :( 
The last throw up did contain a tiny pieces of carrot... could that be it? 
help me :( I'm worried about her.. and she has 6hours of this car ride to go! 

ps. no worries I'm not posting and driving ;) 

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When you do start feeding her again, I would recommend white rice with Gerber babay food (the smallest jar). It will be easier on her and not upset her stomach. Then continue for couple of days before you start on her regular kebbles. It would work on puppies or adults.
How is she?
she is much better now! back to her self :) 
thank you all for your suggestions! I was so worried in the car. 
Once she was home she was right back to being herself lol
good news!


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