Gendry is almost 6 months and about 12lbs. I was wondering if this is similar to other cardigans and how big I could estimate he will be at 2 years. Thanks!

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Usually they grow around a pound per week so I'd say he's on the small side right now. Usually they have most of their adult height/length by 6 months or so but will continue to fill out quite a bit. My cardi didn't really fill out until he was 2 or so.

Ein (who is a pembroke) is about 18.5 lbs at 5 months. I would say that at 6 months he is on the small side.

Bogart was 17 lbs at six months and he is smaller than breed standard. Now at one year and 3 months he is right around 25. I have even been feeding him more than "normal" as he is very active (hikes, play dates, dog park and daycare once a week).

That sounds a lot like Ace's age/weight, and he is now 2 years old and weighs 24 lb or 11 kg.

Thanks guys! I'm hoping he stays on the small side like Ace. It's good to hear he isn't abnormally small.

How much is he eating? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else, but wasn't his sire Picasso? Not that a normal sized dog can't produce smaller offspring, but it's a little unusual IMO.

He eats regularly. He can be a bit pickey now that he is teething, but nothing to worry about. I'm not sure who Picasso is-you must be thinking of another fluffy blue merle!

Isn't he from Arbennig Cardigans? Picasso is a Best in Show winner from that kennel, quite a fabulous dog. I looked at the same litter when they were younger and I thought that was the sire, but perhaps it was one of their other blue merles. They don't seem to have the litter page up any longer.

Ace comes from two very normal sized parents and his sister Lulu on this site is definitely well within the norms of Cardigan bitches. But Ace is so shrimpy, he doesn't even make the minimum weight for Cardigan males. :-D He is a food lover through and through and we definitely fed him as much as we could without him being a fat tub of lard. Perhaps some just stay small?

Hi Jane,
Gendry's sire is Eddie from Foggy Bottom


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