I'm hoping folks will add to my catalogue of corgi noises:


* excited bark, high pitched sort of ear splitting!

* low tone whuff

* yelp while eating with mouth full

* deep bark--alarm

* full throated bark full of joy--usually while running

* low sort of gargle while getting a belly rub


Other ideas?


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The Aroooo. A sort of morning greeting and "let's start fixing my breakfast" sound.
-The cute lil high pitched sound they make at the end of a yawn.
-Forceful sneezing done to grab your attention.
-High pitched/low pitched gargling demonstrated here in this video:
-And ?!?! (I don't think it falls in a category):
Sparty does the closed mouth woof when he is in trouble. It is his way of talking back.
Onew of my guys also has a sort of yodel when he's really excited...he'll stand on the terrace and bark, then go into this yodel sort of goes up one octave!
When she was little, Lilliput would say "meow." She outgrew it though. Maybe she figured out who she is?
Here is the video on Corgi speak:


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