Two females (sister) being given up because someone is moving??!?! but keeping the 3rd dog?!?! and a cat?! (Florida)

Corgi-heeler mix in Dallas: (Texas)

11-year old female in NC: (North Carolina)

"Accidental Breeding" with 4 corgi puppies: (Alabama)

I wish more people did not believe pets are disposable. Or didn't breed so irresponsibly. But if anyone in these areas is looking for a corgi, these pups could use some love.

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It's love me, love my animals here too...although he complains he always helps and makes sure they're well taken care of if I'm not home:)

This is too sad.  I was afraid when corgis became so popular that this would be the result.

Nicole.....I have to laugh.  When my mother asked me why I wanted to marry my now husband I said kids and animals love him.  And it's true.  The cat I had at the time did not like my former husband at all, the minute she met Mark she was all over him.

There is a handsome 9 year old being given away in my area. :/  Makes me so sad...

Jane....we keep in touch with Max's previous owner also.  They adopted Max as a puppy and then the husband and wife divorced.  Dad got custody of the kids and Max.  He remarried and the new wife didn't like Max.  Maybe he shed too much, maybe it was a reminder of the first wife, I don't know.  But Tim loved Max so much.  Tim returned him to the Karen (breeder), he asked her to see if his new family would keep in touch with him.  We do, we send pictures and we let him know how much we love Max and how important he is to us.  I think Tim appreciates that.

We also keep in touch with Karen since Katie was one of her dogs that she bred and we were lucky to get her when it came time to rehome her.

Linda, just texted the Parker's new owner and have to smile when he told me that he was just in Mexico for a week and Parker had to spend the week with his brother...I wonder which dog wore the other one out:)

I've only had 2 pups returned and actually "bought" the one back to get her back...she now lives with a wonderful couple and just the other day the woman "thanked" me for giving her," her best friend"! So glad for happy endings.


These are so sad! We looked everywhere for a corgi that needed rehoming before we bought sterling from our breeder and couldn't find any In our area..
I'd also ditch the boyfriend if he tried to get me to get rid of my baby. I hope they all find loving homes!

This makes me sad also.  I wish I could love them all.  Animals, especially dogs, love you unconditionally.  They deserve that love back in a home where people will love and take care of them.

I checked Craigslist for my state.  Nothing at all around here, nothing around Philadelphia.  Fortunately we still don't see Corgis going into rescue in this neck of the woods.  


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