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That is truly amazing!!!!!  So nice to hear a happy ending. :)

I'd like to think that Ole was treated to lots of meat and tasty treats the day he made it back to his mom and human sibling(s). 

What a wonderful story!

I love the part that says:  "then walk four miles on stubby legs ..."

So sorry for that family's lost, and what a little trooper Ole is to find his way back.  I must say, though, that this part made me chuckle:

“He was real hungry and thirsty,” Whittle said. “We fed him twice.”

Because, really, mine would play that card even if they'd just eaten.

Wonderful glad he could make it home to his family.

Love this story.  Another example of how amazing our stubby little kids are!


Another reason corgis are amazing dogs, they are avalanche proof. I love how the corgi made its way back to their motel room and just waited.


Here is another link with a couple more pictures:

Avalanche proof???? very good

This made our local paper this morning, picture and all.  Not the pic from the link above, but one of the dog standing outside i the snow.

On the Today Show this morning too! Poor man!  But hooray that Ole is home!



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